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Apr 5, 2017 8:14 AM CST
Thread OP

For three years have had a fungus in my peonies - turns leaves powdery, then black and then the stalks die. Have tried some different fungicide treatments last year and cleaned the area off very very well last fall. The peonies are coming up - what should I be doing to manage this? Wondering about continued fungus treatments and fertilizing - when?
Apr 5, 2017 1:07 PM CST
Name: Rj
Just S of the twin cities of M (Zone 4b)
Forum moderator Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 1
Sounds like you have powdery mildew
As Yogi Berra said, “It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”
Apr 5, 2017 1:26 PM CST
Name: woofie
NE WA (Zone 5a)
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I don't know about peonies, but the only way I was able to control the rust fungus on my hollyhocks was to spray them as soon as I saw new growth in the spring.
Confidence is that feeling you have right before you do something really stupid.
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