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Plant the Chaff Too

By gingin
November 24, 2011

When collecting seeds and separating them from the chaff, if I'm not sure I have gotten ALL the seeds I toss the chaff in a corner of the yard. If seeds were left and sprout, then I'm a happy camper and have unexpected flowers to cut.

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Nov 23, 2011 6:22 PM CST
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Name: Renée
Northern KY
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Kentucky Cat Lover Dog Lover Sempervivums
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Especially if they show up where you'd like them to--good idea!
Nov 24, 2011 7:39 AM CST
Name: Sheila F
Fort Worth TX (Zone 8a)
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I put all the chaffs in a bag and take them down to a walking trail and duck pond near the house. I toss them there in areas that don't get mowed.
Nov 24, 2011 12:21 PM CST
Name: Ginger
Fountain, Florida (Zone 8b)
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What a great place to toss them, Sheila Thumbs up
Each cloud has a silver lineing if only you look for it.
Jul 22, 2013 2:31 PM CST
Name: Rick Corey
Everett WA 98204 (Zone 8a)
Sunset Zone 5. Koppen Csb. Eco 2f
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I agree with gingin!

I was cleaning Alyssum seeds and I had beaten up the vines pretty hard, so there was a lot of chaff. It looked like any remaining seeds were immature or never pollinated, but I wasn't sure.

So I put a pinch of "chaff" on a wet coffee filter, thinking I might get 5-10 volunteers.

Instead the whole coffee filter was covered with a hairy mat of rootlets, tiny stems and seedling leaves - over 100 sprouts, seemingly 1,000% or 2,000% germination. Clearly, the "chaff" still had lots of viable seeds hiding in it.

Now my policy is to spend much less time trying to browbeat a few more seeds out of each harvest. If I just shake the pods or seed-heads instead of pulverising them, there is very little fine chaff, which makes cleaning fast and easy.

Those 'clean seeds' are what I save to trade. But if I got only a small number of clean seeds, the first thing I direct-sow for myself is the so-called chaff!
Aug 7, 2013 10:39 AM CST
Name: Toni
Denver Metro (Zone 5a)
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Only problem is that sometimes you get plants that you didn't know about in areas you don't want and then they take over... that's what happened with me & some wild catnip. It's good stuff.. very very good stuff as my cats all agree on calling it Meowi Wowwi, but damn is it invasive! Taking over half my yard.. I am constantly pulling it everywhere but it still pops up! I got some of this catnip back in '05 when I bought my house and I honestly don't know how it spread to where it's at, but it's taking over!! I pull, trim, etc to keep it from going to seed, but it's actually evergreen in my yard (zone 5?) and I can't get rid of it!! Anyone want any extremely xeric, extremely prolific cat nip?
Roses are one of my passions! Just opened, my Etsy shop (to fund my rose hobby)!
Aug 7, 2013 11:04 AM CST
Name: Rick Corey
Everett WA 98204 (Zone 8a)
Sunset Zone 5. Koppen Csb. Eco 2f
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Someone gave me some small-flowered snapdragons like that. I assume that birds spread the seeds, because it only took a few months for them to appear in every bed I have.
Sep 8, 2013 5:37 PM CST
Name: Arlene
Grantville, GA (Zone 8a)
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I'm with you on the catnip! I have it everywhere. Same with horehound!

But I have always just planted seeds, chaff and all if they are small seeds that are hard to separate. Of course I never traded seeds before, just given them away. I guess if I'm trading I should do like ou do Rick, and save the clean ones for trading.

Seriously, on Verbena Bonasaris, I have never collected seeds so when I just did to give someone, I had no idea what the seeds looked like!
May 18, 2015 8:31 AM CST
Name: Caroline Scott
Calgary (Zone 4a)
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I had a good germination from Laurentia seeds which I had not cleaned when I gathered them in pods. By March, the chaff was powder, and I was not sure whether there were seeds or not. I sowed the works, and to my great joy there was great germination! The commercial seeds had only given me one or two sprouts.
I like the idea of scattering chaff so any seeds can sprout in the garden or in wild areas.
May 19, 2015 12:40 PM CST
Name: Ginger
Fountain, Florida (Zone 8b)
Charter ATP Member Plays in the sandbox Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Region: Gulf Coast Tip Photographer The WITWIT Badge
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Native Plants and Wildflowers Birds Plumerias Hummingbirder Dog Lover
Sweet avatar, Caroline Lovey dubby
Each cloud has a silver lineing if only you look for it.
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