Thanks for your help, Daisyl.
When I removed the top inch of soil from the philo plant that appeared to have the fungus gnats, I did not yet replace it. Should I just repot it? If so, what soil / soil brand should I use? I have lowes and Home Depot nearby. It's just confusing Bc the new leaves are green and look healthy; perhaps I should leave it alone and pray the gnats die. Should I spray some dishwater soap on the soil?
I should also mention that I found some fungus fuzz when I looked at the bottom of the pot of the philo probably from the overwatering 🤕, should I repot?
I'm attaching the pics of the croton. Anywhere you see a hole or a tear in the leaf was caused by me when I tried to remove those strange bacteria looking patches. The white stuff is sparingly on the lower leaves and not on the top, more colorful leaves.
I attached a pic of the stem as well. Lemme know what that Brown dry stuff is on the stem... hopefully nothing to be worried about.
And what type of soil for croton? And a split leaf philo if you know? Sorry for asking so many questions and sounding paranoid, the internet has different answers and I just wanna learn so I take good care of them...Thank you!