"Common Oxalis" would depend on where you are. The common Oxalis where I used to live was only O. stricta, a tap-rooted plant I developed a deep hatred for in OH. That one is also common where I am now, but luckily, so is O. crassipes, an adorable bulb plant that I see around often, used for edging & ground cover. If only the whole "lawn" was Oxalis bulbs! We would not have had to buy a new mower a couple weeks ago with what should have been anniversary celebration funds.
But anyway... there is no way I would allow Vinca anywhere near my flower beds, where it would climb all over the other plants (and has been evicted from my Mom's garden for doing just that - luckily it pulls up very easily while the ground is moist) but Oxalis bulbs are so easy to get along with. They do an excellent job of covering the ground in shade or sun, under taller shrubs or in other bare areas, and grow thickly enough to help prevent grass from trying to creep into non-mowed areas, though if needed shearing won't bother Oxalis at all, but to cause the foliage to be a bit smaller & shorter if done often enough. If you need the spot later, just dig up the bulbs. I don't have any problem with them spreading at all, quite the opposite of them taking time to adjust after being moved.
Edited to add - and unlike most other bulbs, Oxalis bloom for a long time in the spring, and again in the fall if the weather hits just right.