I bought NBO in June 2014 from Crik's Daylilies in Illinois (unfortunately they no longer sell daylilies). No Blue Oxfords drew my attention because of the nice branching and height. Also because I am partial to pinks and peaches.
The other thing I liked about it was that it was a mid-late bloomer. Here in southern Indiana, in 2016, it bloomed from 6/15/16 to 7/20/16, so a good four weeks of blooms.
This picture was taken on 7/3/15 and the branching looks good. Clicking on the picture will show a height comparison with H. Valley Monster (height 33", 9" bloom) on the left and H. Panama Hattie (28" height, 5.75" bloom) on the right. So the 37" registered height of NBO is spot on.
Not sure of the exact bud count, but this picture taken on 6/22/16 shows that it is pretty good, I think.