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May 17, 2017 4:40 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: UrbanWild
Kentucky (Zone 6b)
Kentucky - Plant Hardiness Zone 7a
Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Birds Vegetable Grower Spiders! Organic Gardener Native Plants and Wildflowers
Hummingbirder Frogs and Toads Dog Lover Critters Allowed Butterflies Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
So today I picked up a small bag of Lycoris squamigera (naked ladies, resurrection lily, surprise lily, magic lily). I have been unable to find it here so this was quite a find/gift. In the process of trying to wade through planting suggestions, I ran across:

...and this peaked my interest:

" Heirloom vs. Modern? — Since so many of our readers told us they got their bulbs from an older relative or neighbor, we’ve started wondering whether their might be an heirloom strain that’s more vigorous and adaptable than the one offered by mainstream sources today, as is the case with red spider lilies. But that’s a question we’re going to explore later. "

Well now, that just made me salivate...for both species. Not only would I love to find some older population sources for L. squamigera but also Lycoris radiata (red spider lily). Does anyone know of heirloomesque populations?

BTW, the reds are spectacular:
Always looking for interesting plants for pollinators and food! Bonus points for highly, and pleasantly scented plants.

"Si hortum in bibliotheca habes, nihil deerit." [“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.”] -- Marcus Tullius Cicero in Ad Familiares IX, 4, to Varro. 46 BCE
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