As a comment about Orchid Primrose (Primula vialii), okus wrote:

This one likes a damp place in semi to full shade.
May 28, 2017 7:17 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lisa Schnorenberg
Canby, Oregon (Zone 8a)
The Poker Primrose is my official 'favorite plant' for 2 years running. I was thrilled it came back this year after the cold, harsh winter we had here in the Pacific Northwest. The problem is that it wilts almost every warm day, no matter where I put it. I moved it to my deck, which gets no indirect sun at all, and it still wilted! I even repotted it with new, lighter soil, to no avail. I also sit the pot in a tray with a little water as I know it likes to be kept moist. Any suggestions?
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