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Dec 7, 2011 10:44 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: tarev
San Joaquin County, CA (Zone 9b)
Give PEACE a chance!
Adeniums Cat Lover Garden Photography Region: California Houseplants Plays in the sandbox
Orchids Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Composter Cactus and Succulents Dragonflies Hummingbirder
With this cool late fall weather, this is the time of the year I am anxiously waiting for my "presents" to open and, open, open Big Grin

Schlumbergera hybrids buds slowly coming about:

Thumb of 2011-12-07/tarev/aa3119 Thumb of 2011-12-07/tarev/7ab030

Mini-cymbdium orchid flower buds plumping up:
Thumb of 2011-12-07/tarev/f1dd43

My first attempt this year, Amaryllis Minerva slowly coming out:
Thumb of 2011-12-07/tarev/c9c41b
Dec 7, 2011 10:57 AM CST
Name: Sheryl
Hot, hot, hot, Feenix, AZ (Zone 9b)
Region: Southwest Gardening Charter ATP Member Keeps Horses Dog Lover Cat Lover Permaculture
Butterflies Birds Cottage Gardener Herbs I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Irises
I didn't have very good timing this year- I should'be chilled my Amaryllis- I gave one away already but most of the others have already bloomed.

Your cymbidium looks promising - I have yet to get an orchid to bloom, but I'm not giving up!
In the end, only kindness matters.

Science is not the answer, it is the question.

Dec 7, 2011 9:00 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: tarev
San Joaquin County, CA (Zone 9b)
Give PEACE a chance!
Adeniums Cat Lover Garden Photography Region: California Houseplants Plays in the sandbox
Orchids Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Composter Cactus and Succulents Dragonflies Hummingbirder
Orchids are really the temperamental ones Smiling I have some just giving out leaves right now, only this mini-cymbidium has been cooperative...but then again, I'll take any sign of growth than none at all Big Grin
Dec 8, 2011 5:05 PM CST
Name: Sheryl
Hot, hot, hot, Feenix, AZ (Zone 9b)
Region: Southwest Gardening Charter ATP Member Keeps Horses Dog Lover Cat Lover Permaculture
Butterflies Birds Cottage Gardener Herbs I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Irises
Yeah... well... if I were a little more consistent in my care taking, they might not be so tempermental... *Blush* Just realized I hadn't watered them this week -groan- ....

So, is the Cymbidium a present for someone?
In the end, only kindness matters.

Science is not the answer, it is the question.

Dec 8, 2011 8:30 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: tarev
San Joaquin County, CA (Zone 9b)
Give PEACE a chance!
Adeniums Cat Lover Garden Photography Region: California Houseplants Plays in the sandbox
Orchids Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Composter Cactus and Succulents Dragonflies Hummingbirder
I think your orchids should be fine..I normally water them at times every 1.5 weeks during cold season time Smiling

Ah, the mini-cymbidiums are just my collection...comparing its growth pattern the last time, I realized this will be a longer wait still, it bloomed around Valentine's pretty much this would follow similar waiting time Big Grin
Dec 8, 2011 8:47 PM CST
Name: Sheryl
Hot, hot, hot, Feenix, AZ (Zone 9b)
Region: Southwest Gardening Charter ATP Member Keeps Horses Dog Lover Cat Lover Permaculture
Butterflies Birds Cottage Gardener Herbs I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Irises
Good point, you've reminded me that I should slow down on them a bit.

I commend you on your patience! Buds for two months, shew.

Do you grow many types of orchids?
In the end, only kindness matters.

Science is not the answer, it is the question.

Dec 9, 2011 2:35 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: tarev
San Joaquin County, CA (Zone 9b)
Give PEACE a chance!
Adeniums Cat Lover Garden Photography Region: California Houseplants Plays in the sandbox
Orchids Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Composter Cactus and Succulents Dragonflies Hummingbirder
Not a lot, I am quite limited by space since I do not have a greenhouse. When the mini-cymbidium is not in bloom it stays outside, but once it sends a flower spike usually during Fall, I start to put it indoors. It will not survive the high winds here.

I have Dancing Lady Oncidium, Miltoniopsis, Doritaenopsis, Antelope Dendrobium, Dendrobium noid, Oncidium noid, Grammatophylum Scriptum 'Hihimanu', Brassia Rex, Phalaenopsis and the Mini-Cymbdium noid.

Some of them bloomed a few months during 2 consecutive years, then it seems they are resting right now, so only the mini-cymbidium is active. The Gram Scriptum, almost died, but so far has finally recovered, though I am down to one new pseudobulb, so keeping fingers crossed that it will really thrive Big Grin And this mini-cymbidium also had some older back bulbs with no leaves, and have put them in a separate clay pot, trying to coax them to produce roots or far it seems it is coming along, ever so slowly...a little too wrinkled, but those old backbulbs are alive!

I have a lot to learn, and keep my patience in check indeed Big Grin
Dec 9, 2011 10:44 AM CST
Name: Sheryl
Hot, hot, hot, Feenix, AZ (Zone 9b)
Region: Southwest Gardening Charter ATP Member Keeps Horses Dog Lover Cat Lover Permaculture
Butterflies Birds Cottage Gardener Herbs I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Irises
Oh wow, you do have a bunch.

Other than my terrestrials, outdoors, I have 3 - a Wilsonaria, a Beallara Marfitch 'Howard's Dream' and a Dendrobium NOID. I think part of the problem I might be having is the new windows I had installed - they have some shading to them and they're double paned, so they might not be getting enough sunshine despite the southern exposure they have.
In the end, only kindness matters.

Science is not the answer, it is the question.

Dec 9, 2011 11:49 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: tarev
San Joaquin County, CA (Zone 9b)
Give PEACE a chance!
Adeniums Cat Lover Garden Photography Region: California Houseplants Plays in the sandbox
Orchids Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Composter Cactus and Succulents Dragonflies Hummingbirder
How's the temperature and humidity in the room? My orchids are in a west facing side, and a canopy of city trees adds even more dappled shade to them. My windows are also new and double paned being a newer Doritaenopsis loves this set-up..

One set is sitting near the sink, so they get more humidity there, with my electric water pot giving them some steamy moisture when it boils Big Grin The other set is near our dining area, and since I know I am having poor humidity there, I have an indoor water fountain running, hopefully help give some moisture and some have stones with water under the pot..

Sometimes our little micro-climates gives a curve ball in our plants life Big Grin

Oh btw, my Amaryllis Minerva started to open yesterday! I feel happy my first attempt is doing just fine!
I got very excited taking pictures! Waiting for it to bloom just a little more!
Thumb of 2011-12-09/tarev/8ff541
Dec 9, 2011 6:41 PM CST
Name: Sheryl
Hot, hot, hot, Feenix, AZ (Zone 9b)
Region: Southwest Gardening Charter ATP Member Keeps Horses Dog Lover Cat Lover Permaculture
Butterflies Birds Cottage Gardener Herbs I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Irises
LOL, that's great. Once it opens, if you keep it in a fairly cool room it will stay in bloom longer. Will you keep it for next year or plant it outside?

Well.... they were getting a blast of humidity per day in my kitchen, but I moved them into DH's office, where they appeared to be getting a darker green than is recommended (at least for the Beallara). Now they're in the living room where I have a pot of water on the wood-burning stove, but that probably isn't enough, come to think of it. Time to pull out the ol' spritzer bottle.
In the end, only kindness matters.

Science is not the answer, it is the question.

Dec 9, 2011 10:30 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: tarev
San Joaquin County, CA (Zone 9b)
Give PEACE a chance!
Adeniums Cat Lover Garden Photography Region: California Houseplants Plays in the sandbox
Orchids Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Composter Cactus and Succulents Dragonflies Hummingbirder
I plan to keep the amaryllis bulb Smiling Just keeping it in pots, and then will try a rebloom next that is the challenge Big Grin I have moved the plant now to the living room area, it is cooler excited to see the rest of this plant to fully bloom!

I read if the orchid leaves are turning darker green, means it needs more light.
Dec 10, 2011 11:56 AM CST
Name: Sheryl
Hot, hot, hot, Feenix, AZ (Zone 9b)
Region: Southwest Gardening Charter ATP Member Keeps Horses Dog Lover Cat Lover Permaculture
Butterflies Birds Cottage Gardener Herbs I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Irises
tarev said:I read if the orchid leaves are turning darker green, means it needs more light.

Exactly - so now they're in the southern window of the living room. We'll see if that helps.

It really isn't a problem to get it to bloom again, just like this time. You can keep it in water if you like until Sept. or so, then take it out and put it some place dark for 8 weeks - pull it out, start all over again. If you plant it in dirt you can do the same thing, just withhold water until the leaves yellow (or cut them off if you prefer) and stick it in a dark place... same thing. No problem.

I've seen them planted around here - I never thought they'd be hardy here, but evidently you just need to plant them quite deep (8"). I thought I'd sacrifice one bulb as an experiment (not like I don't have enough, lol...) I probably should have planted it earlier in the year, oh well.
In the end, only kindness matters.

Science is not the answer, it is the question.

Dec 10, 2011 12:30 PM CST
Name: Michael Hicks
Clermont, Fl
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Dog Lover Plumerias Orchids Tropicals
Amaryllis Region: Florida Region: United States of America Roses
oh Sheryl
you planted your bulbs to early? so sorry i have been told both i had many people ask about the amaryllis and its hard due to house temps im in florida and some grew so fast 3 weeks to bloom then i left in refrigerator and planted and it got cool out side and grow so slow 3 weeks 4 in tall?? I have to keep out side due to growing 30-50 at a time for resale and the buyers say I WANT IT BLOOMING? i say what part of the amaryllis is the anticipation of the growing and soon as the flowers die you got green leaves til next year i plant all mine outside for my self and mothernature blooms them around march.

i was sugestion people plant every4-5 days 6 weeks before you want blooms if you have the hose about 72 and night 68

Dec 10, 2011 2:28 PM CST
Name: Sheryl
Hot, hot, hot, Feenix, AZ (Zone 9b)
Region: Southwest Gardening Charter ATP Member Keeps Horses Dog Lover Cat Lover Permaculture
Butterflies Birds Cottage Gardener Herbs I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Irises
LOL, Mike - I'm just too blonde (and busy!) to actually stagger my blooms like that. I get a good pinch once a while and remember to start another bulb, lol...
In the end, only kindness matters.

Science is not the answer, it is the question.

Dec 15, 2011 1:38 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: tarev
San Joaquin County, CA (Zone 9b)
Give PEACE a chance!
Adeniums Cat Lover Garden Photography Region: California Houseplants Plays in the sandbox
Orchids Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Composter Cactus and Succulents Dragonflies Hummingbirder
My mini-cymbidium orchid seems to say Peek-a-Boo Smiling

Thumb of 2011-12-15/tarev/c2c499
Dec 15, 2011 3:51 PM CST
Name: Sheryl
Hot, hot, hot, Feenix, AZ (Zone 9b)
Region: Southwest Gardening Charter ATP Member Keeps Horses Dog Lover Cat Lover Permaculture
Butterflies Birds Cottage Gardener Herbs I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Irises
Wow, you're not watching it, are you? Rolling on the floor laughing Rolling on the floor laughing

C'mon, baby - BLOOM!
In the end, only kindness matters.

Science is not the answer, it is the question.

Dec 16, 2011 10:47 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: tarev
San Joaquin County, CA (Zone 9b)
Give PEACE a chance!
Adeniums Cat Lover Garden Photography Region: California Houseplants Plays in the sandbox
Orchids Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Composter Cactus and Succulents Dragonflies Hummingbirder
Okay mini-c says this time...can you see me a little better now?

Thumb of 2011-12-16/tarev/b5504f

My Schlumbergera is in full bloom, well at least one of its buds Big Grin :

Thumb of 2011-12-16/tarev/254863

Amaryllis blooms fully open! Looks like 4 trumpets Big Grin
Thumb of 2011-12-16/tarev/1c71fe

Happy Day to all!
Dec 17, 2011 8:52 PM CST
Name: Sheryl
Hot, hot, hot, Feenix, AZ (Zone 9b)
Region: Southwest Gardening Charter ATP Member Keeps Horses Dog Lover Cat Lover Permaculture
Butterflies Birds Cottage Gardener Herbs I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Irises
Mmm - your 4 trumpets reminds me of a quilting pattern. Pretty strange, seeing as I'm not a quilter, lol.

Mini-c is getting cuter! And the cactus is full-blown beautiful. They are just amazing when in bloom.
In the end, only kindness matters.

Science is not the answer, it is the question.

Dec 18, 2011 12:06 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: tarev
San Joaquin County, CA (Zone 9b)
Give PEACE a chance!
Adeniums Cat Lover Garden Photography Region: California Houseplants Plays in the sandbox
Orchids Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Composter Cactus and Succulents Dragonflies Hummingbirder
Ah the flowers evoke the inner artist in all of us Big Grin
Dec 18, 2011 8:03 PM CST
Name: Sheryl
Hot, hot, hot, Feenix, AZ (Zone 9b)
Region: Southwest Gardening Charter ATP Member Keeps Horses Dog Lover Cat Lover Permaculture
Butterflies Birds Cottage Gardener Herbs I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Irises
It's true, who wouldn't those ephemeral beauty to last and be our own?
In the end, only kindness matters.

Science is not the answer, it is the question.

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  • Started by: tarev
  • Replies: 24, views: 2,039
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