Not a lot, I am quite limited by space since I do not have a greenhouse. When the mini-cymbidium is not in bloom it stays outside, but once it sends a flower spike usually during Fall, I start to put it indoors. It will not survive the high winds here.
I have Dancing Lady Oncidium, Miltoniopsis, Doritaenopsis, Antelope Dendrobium, Dendrobium noid, Oncidium noid, Grammatophylum Scriptum 'Hihimanu', Brassia Rex, Phalaenopsis and the Mini-Cymbdium noid.
Some of them bloomed a few months during 2 consecutive years, then it seems they are resting right now, so only the mini-cymbidium is active. The Gram Scriptum, almost died, but so far has finally recovered, though I am down to one new pseudobulb, so keeping fingers crossed that it will really thrive

And this mini-cymbidium also had some older back bulbs with no leaves, and have put them in a separate clay pot, trying to coax them to produce roots or far it seems it is coming along, ever so slowly...a little too wrinkled, but those old backbulbs are alive!
I have a lot to learn, and keep my patience in check indeed