Watering Tips and Tricks for Potted Plants, Revised

By DaisyRyder
June 21, 2017

Spring is here, which means summer is right around the corner. Last year our region suffered a record breaking drought, and in areas where water is limited, one has to get creative when it comes to keeping potted plants from drying out in the harsh winds and baking temperatures of the season. A little bit of planning ahead can save you time and water in the future.

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Jun 21, 2017 7:36 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Christie
Central Ohio 43016 (Zone 6a)
Plays on the water.
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Wow! I have an old kitchen sponge I was going to throw away - going to cut it up and use it in a pot- what a GREAT idea. And I love the the diaper idea too! Thanks!
Plant Dreams. Pull Weeds. Grow A Happy Life.
Jun 21, 2017 9:18 PM CST
Name: Dana P
Canton, OH (Zone 6a)
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I agree with Christie Smiling

I've been using a layer of mulch in my pots for the last 27 years, and it is quite effective! Thumbs up

I do want to try the sponge idea in the next pot that I put together! It would seem very effective for pots that have a hole in the bottom. Smiling Smiling Neat idea!!

Also, there are gel crystals, that can be mixed in with the soil, before planting, which swell up and hold a crazy amount of water per crystal. Then the gel crystals slowly release water as needed, so as not to over or under water your plants! Smiling
Check out my jewelry shop, Dana Marie's Jewelry on Etsy! https://www.etsy.com/shop/Dana...

"The heart is happiest when the head and the hand work together" ~ (Unknown)
Jun 22, 2017 7:58 PM CST
Name: Sasha Wiseman
Fl. (Zone 8b)
I'm quite frond of plants.
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Enjoys or suffers hot summers Garden Ideas: Level 2
Those gel crystals can be found in diapers. Though I don't know which is cheaper. Always had success with old sponges mixed with a less peat based soil. I've re-potted plants after 3-4 years to find the remnants of sponges that I had forgotten were integrated in the mix to begin with. My favorite has always been filling up Coca Cola bottles or other glass bottles and inverting them into the containers soil. May your plants never go thirsty. And you as well.
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Jun 24, 2017 7:08 AM CST
Sierra Vista, AZ
Sponges, great idea, I've added that to my list, thanks. I've been using old rags for years at the bottoms of my pots, keeps the soil from falling out and moist.
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Jul 15, 2023 8:15 AM CST
Ice cubes working potted plants.
Jul 15, 2023 1:17 PM CST
Name: Dana P
Canton, OH (Zone 6a)
Project Junkie
Daylilies Butterflies Hummingbirder Cat Lover Dog Lover Roses
Region: Ohio Composter Birds Garden Photography Garden Ideas: Level 1 Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
I don't know why I haven't shared this on this thread, but in addition to mulch, I use self-watering pots for my Summer annuals. Smiling If I buy a pre-grown hanging (or not hanging) pot of annuals, for outdoors, I never keep them in their commercial pots because they drain like a sieve, leaving no water from which the roots can draw and little time for the soil to evenly soak in moisture before draining. Plus it's a waste of water. Glare So, I always transplant them in to self-watering pots. My neighbor keeps hers in the commercial pots and she's out there watering them every day like clockwork. If she misses a day (which she never does Hilarious! ) she better get to watering them the next day and every day thereafter, because that light commercial soil will start the process of drying out and things can go South very quickly. I personally don't like the idea of being tied down to watering potted plants on the daily, so I always use self-watering pots, especially for hanging pots. Hilarious!

I use the kind of self watering pots with a built-in saucer and a raised platform in the bottom. There are plenty designs out there, but the basic kind will do. I don't care for the *idea* of the fancy ones with tubes or a large lip on the saucer through which to water because the *idea* is to not water the soil. D'Oh! What the heck is that all about? I mean, rain soaks the soil from the surface, so why should watering our potted annuals be any different? So just a word to the wise, ☝️ don't allow commercial ideas to convince you in to thinking that "their" idea is the best idea. Let your common sense prevail. The soil of potted annuals needs even moisture from top to bottom, on the regular. Period. Now, one can use such pots successfully by defying the *idea* or their design through watering from the soil surface. (Of course succulents have different drainage requirements, but I am referring to typical potted annual plants in the outdoors only.) I *always* water from the top. Self-watering pots keep water in the saucer from which the roots can draw and helps keep the soil evenly moist. I've never had a problem with over soaked soil in them, and I can water every two to three days! Hurray! It's pretty much old school with new technology. Hilarious! Speaking of old school, the only reason to put small rocks in the bottom of a pot is to raise the soil out of a reservoir keeping it from remaining over-soaked.

If I find a plastic pot that I really like, but there's no drainage hole, I will turn it in to a self-watering pot by drilling about a 1/2" to 5/8" drain hole in the side about 1" or so up from the bottom, depending on the size of the pot. (Let the drill bit do the work with light pressure, otherwise the pot will crack and you're back to a sieve. Whistling Hilarious! Don't
ask. D'Oh! Hilarious! ) I then tape a piece of window screen over the inside of the hole in order to hold the soil in, deterring it from draining along with the water. Then I place small rocks in one of those netted bags that citrus fruit comes in from the store, lay it in the bottom of the pot making sure it lays flat over the entire bottom of the pot and then tie it securely once the layer is the desired even thickness. (I use those bags to contain the rocks so I can reuse them next year in a new pot. They don't get thrown out with the plant at the end of the season. Green Grin! Sometimes doubling up the bag is necessary for strength.) The thickness of the layer of rocks should reach the *bottom edge* of the hole you just drilled. In other words, if you drilled a hole one inch up from the bottom, the rocks should be an even layer, one inch thick. I then lay down another piece of window screen over the rocks to hold the soil in. Now the pot is ready for planting! Hurray! Then water it from the top and stop when water starts draining from the hole. Now you have an evenly watered pot with a water reserve and happy plants and a happy you with extra time to enjoy life! Hurray! Hurray! Green Grin!

When looking for ceramic and glazed pots, I *only* buy those with a drainage hole and use a saucer. I have actually skipped over some really nice ones without drain holes. Not that they can't be drilled, but I wouldn't want to risk cracking an expensive pot.
Check out my jewelry shop, Dana Marie's Jewelry on Etsy! https://www.etsy.com/shop/Dana...

"The heart is happiest when the head and the hand work together" ~ (Unknown)
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