There's about a 30' x 10' area behind my garage that the previous owners apparently tried to keep things from growing there by laying down plywood, old formica covered shelves, some cinder blocks, bricks, broken stones, any old junk, and it was an epic fail in that regard... it's basically a jungle back there. Last summer I pretty much just pulled out what I could in the fall and cut back the rest, but this summer I have more time to do something, as long as it doesn't involve daily weeding. I was going to just plant mostly milkweed for butterflies there (there's actually some coming up now), but before I yank out this one weed (I'm assuming it's a weed at least), thought I should try and find out if it's not something birds or pollinators like. There's one poisonous pokeberry back there that cedar waxwings love for instance, so it stays.
Right now it's about 6"-15" tall, and growing pretty thick between bricks and cinder blocks, I'd even say it looks kind of nice (compared to the typical weeds I've removed at least
). I have no idea from last year if it will flower or not, I haven't had any luck finding out what it is yet. The leaves seem to be a bit hairy, you can see some of it in the photos hopefully. This is near the Chicago area.