What we have been having most of the winter(?)is more like late fall or early spring. K.C. weatherpersons say it is our driest winter on record. We had a nice soaking rain last night. The sun is shining nicely today.Some wind, mostly just enough to keep the garbage from starting to burn. Sheila even sacrificed part of a cigarette to try to get it started. She put it inside an envelope surrounded by other dry paper so it could get a good chance of catching the paper on fire. We had 3 kitchen size bags that needed to be burned.
I have a Fire Island hosta that just will NOT grow. It looked find during the early summer months but suddenly just disappeared. I kept watering it and finally dug it up to see if it was even alive anymore. There were some live roots and a tiny spot of green where the crown is but that is it. I potted it, fertilized it, have kept it in an unheated room all winter and it still has done absolutely nothing. I don't know what its future holds. As long as I see life I'll do all I can to encourage it.
We have daffs and tulips trying to come up! There are some of those and a few prized iris under about 4' of fresh wood chips so they need to be uncovered soon. We got 3 big truck loads of shredded wood this weed from the company who clears under the electric lines around this area. Our area gets trimmed about every 3 years so just about the time we run out of chips and the good dirt they rot down into they start bringins us more. This is the most we've gotten in several years tho. So far I think they have brought about 8 or 9 loads. That's a lot of wood chips.
Must go do more housework and laundry. GOD bless and keep each of you.