What a weekend to decide to paint. Today is a good day for that, except likely not a good one for the windows open for ventilation.
Windy and rainy here, with a cloud of blackles. Likely not a good day, no Meadowlark singing.

I did see the Harris's Sparrows in the feeding area. That's my favorite migrating sparrow. I need to look at my bird journal, I think they've been here almost a month. They are always gone by December.
Here's a picture of a Harris's. I think they are such cute birds with their quirky personality. They are too curious and get into trouble. They are one of the largest North American sparrows and weighed just enough to shut a live trap we had out and was too big to get through a hole in the cage. When we used to keep the van outside, someone bumped a door button and a Harris's got in there and couldn't figure how to get out. I had to open the trunk, which it flew right out of.