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Avatar for tafidarofata
Aug 11, 2017 6:48 AM CST
Thread OP

There is nothing wrong with having gardening ideas. Even if there is a limited capacity and availability of a spacious backyard. Planning a small garden is considered a very wise decision especially in today's struggling economic situation. By having a small garden in a house, you can cut the budget on getting and eating better food. In addition, we will learn how to provide for ourselves and families without counting on outside sources. Here are a few easy tips and ideas to make it happen.

Having a wild imagination and creativity is the key to realizing this idea. The first task is to find a location for your garden. Start off by raising a bed or container garden in a location. Which is easily accessed by the sunlight somewhere in your yard, patio, balcony, or porch. Using container and other small plot gardens is perfect gardening ideas for growing any plants, especially vegetables when the limited space or time is the issues. A container garden is a perfect solution. Moreover, beautiful patio garden can give you a plenty of fresh vegetables or fruits.

In addition, DIY raised bed can be the best solution for many gardening needs especially when you want to recycle. The existence of it can be quite beautiful if added with a little product of your own creativity to the styles and materials. If there is an existing flower bed sunny border, the plants can also be planted with them. In a much larger landscape, the gardening ideas require taking a sharp bend in the form of a semi-circle or a placement on the patio or in flower bed. The solutions might be planting the plants in rows, at random in the small vegetable plots, or in the smaller squares. For example, fill one square with one kind of vegetable. Hurray!

Thumb of 2017-08-11/tafidarofata/efb1e0
Oct 15, 2017 8:01 PM CST
Name: Johnny
Titusville FL. (Zone 10a)
Tafi,. That is beeeeeutiful! Very well done! Thank You!
Avatar for cristywilton
Oct 17, 2017 3:49 AM CST

I think one additional thing can make your garden more beautiful and attractive and that is a gazebo. Only a few of people know about gazebos but they also do not try to install it. So I suggest you that if you want more attraction in your garden then you must use gazebo side panels for this. It is hood type space made with wood or any different material.
Oct 29, 2021 2:01 PM CST

Last edited by AwesomeJrod Oct 29, 2021 2:24 PM Icon for preview
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