Thank you for the acorn. A couple quick photos of Delosperma (unknown type/variety) growing on a slope... flowering in late March, and a closer shot showing the kind of terrain it's good at covering. The ice plants are there to guard against erosion.
Eagle eyes will note a Carpobrotus upper left in the second picture, also a different ice plant upper right. There is also a different yellow-flowered one obscured on the bottom right in the first picture. These are survivors from the trials I did at one point with every mat-forming ice plant I could get my hands on, to see how they grew and how good they were at stabilizing the slope. The Delosperma was the general winner of that contest and the one I encouraged to spread.
There's also a lizard hole lower right in the second picture. The opening is now covered up by the Delosperma months later, making it quite secure. The dogs that roam out there have not yet figured out that somebody lives there.
Lizards are my friends in the succulent garden, I think.