I would go through them and give them a slight squeeze. If they are squishy and soft, they are starting to rot and not good anymore. If they are moldy, they are not good, either. If they are still firm, and plump, those seeds are still viable. If you see a little white tip coming out of one end, those seeds are starting to germinate.
The way I germinate them is I take a small ziplock sandwich bag and I put a couple of tablespoons of perlite or vermiculite in the bag. I then put a small amount of water/peroxide mixture in the bag, just enough to moisten the perlite or vermiculite. I mix the water/peroxide using a 10 ounce bottle and add one capful (I just use the peroxide cap) of peroxide to the bottle, then fill with water. I drop the seeds into the sandwich bag of moistened perlite (or vermiculite) and make sure they are covered by the perlite or vermiculite. Then I put all of the little sandwich bags in one big plastic bag, and put them in the fridge for a month. Since they are in plastic bags, I can check the seeds and see if they have started to germinate. Some will start earlier than others, around 3 weeks. After a month, I take them all out and put them in a warm spot. They don't need light at this point. I check them daily to see if they are germinating. Once they germinate, I keep an eye on them. I let them get big enough to handle. I like the little green sprout to get about 1/2 inch long and there will be a good sized root at that point, as well. They are fragile at this size, so be careful handling them, so you don't break off the root. I fill little pots with seed starting soil (I use 8 ounce plastic drink cups with holes punched in the bottom), moisten the soil well, and then put the germinated seeds carefully in the soil, with the green tip sticking up at the surface. Water carefully to not wash them out. They need light at this point, either a bright window or grow lights.
I hope this helps, and please feel free to ask questions!