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Aug 22, 2017 1:59 PM CST
Thread OP
Pasadena, Ca
Hello Forum! I just recently planted a bunch of lamium about 3 weeks ago. Some of it is looking ok, some of it is looking like this. Growing out, but bare in the middle. What can I check to get these guys to grow full and healthy?
Thumb of 2017-08-22/Mographer/9d812e
Aug 22, 2017 2:45 PM CST
Name: Deb
Planet Earth (Zone 8b)
Region: Pacific Northwest Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Garden Ideas: Master Level
I would cut it back hard and see if that might rejuvenate it. It's usually a pretty tough little plant. Mine do best in partial to full shade, which might be another factor.
I want to live in a world where the chicken can cross the road without its motives being questioned.
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Aug 22, 2017 3:20 PM CST
Thread OP
Pasadena, Ca
Bonehead said:I would cut it back hard and see if that might rejuvenate it. It's usually a pretty tough little plant. Mine do best in partial to full shade, which might be another factor.

It could be because of sun exposure. It seems that the only plants doing this are the ones that get a bit of sun in the afternoon.

When you say cut it back hard, how much do you mean? I'm a complete novice! Thanks for your help.
Aug 22, 2017 3:58 PM CST
Name: Deb
Planet Earth (Zone 8b)
Region: Pacific Northwest Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Garden Ideas: Master Level
When my lamium gets leggy (usually about when the blooms are fading), I cut it back to about 1-2". It recovers quickly. I have two cultivars, both in the L. maculatum family - Chequers and White Nancy. Chequers is more aggressive about colonizing, but is easy to pull where I don't want it. I use both for reblooming jolly little groundcovers. I think L. galeogdolon (yellow lamium) may be more aggressive in general, but not really sure. My son has it pretty much overtaking an entire shady side yard.
I want to live in a world where the chicken can cross the road without its motives being questioned.
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