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Sep 18, 2017 9:43 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Deborah
midstate South Carolina (Zone 8a)
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff!
Charter ATP Member Amaryllis Tropicals Plant and/or Seed Trader Seed Starter Plumerias
Plant Identifier Peonies Lilies Irises Hummingbirder Echinacea
Whenever you have a potted plant, wherein the soil has dried out completely, you can re-wet it by immersing the pot in a pail of water. Leave it to soak until no more bubbles come to the surface. Be sure to drain the pot well before placing it back on a saucer or other flat surface.
Sep 18, 2017 10:33 AM CST
Name: Sasha Wiseman
Fl. (Zone 8b)
I'm quite frond of plants.
Fruit Growers Garden Art Hummingbirder Keeper of Koi Multi-Region Gardener Seed Starter
Enjoys or suffers hot summers Garden Ideas: Level 2
A small drop of liquid dish detergent per gallon of water is a good way to break the surface tension of peat based and other soil mixes that are difficult to replenish moisture content.

Alternatively, you can place/wrap a towel around the base of the plant on top of the dry soil and water the towel. Let the towel stay soaked for an hour or two and remove.

Also, filling up old (or new) Coke bottles with water and plunging them upside down into the dry soil will be effective as well. Within a few hours the soil will have slowly absorbed the water and become plentifully soaked.
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  • Started by: Deebie
  • Replies: 1, views: 402
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