Has anyone tried hanging houseplant pots from a long pipe suspended by ceiling studs?
I have the idea of doing that, with holes drilled through the pipe to set in eyebolts from wich to hang the pots. But I'm not sure how the catch the excess water.
I can't quite envision a pipe-long tray to catch it. Any ideas or experiences?
I did know someone that did exactly that, she would take all her plants down ( she had a lot ) and water them in her bathtub and if I remember correctly she also used one of those plastic cover things that are use to cover up the shower curtain rods. She also staggered the lenght of each chain, it looked so awesome.
I have pipes hung by chains from the ceiling for all my hanging plants, but it is in my greenhouse. I don't have to worry about making a water mess up there.
I have NO plants at all in my house. The kitties would have a heyday.