I am pretty sure this plant is not "Lipstick" but a different version of Ech. agavoides... and would like to propose moving it to the species entry here. Please let me know if that works for you and I can set the wheels in motion.
Echeveria (Echeveria agavoides)
There are at least 3 different plants in the database under E. agavoides: "Lipstick" (a wide-leafed clone with tightly packed rosettes and a dramatic red color), a narrow-leafed version of the species with sharply tapering leaves that also go red, and a third, sort of intermediate form with a less dense rosette of leaves with a concave upper surface.
They are shown counterclockwise from lower right in this picture as younger plants (not much red under shade cloth protection), and separately as older plants. I am pretty sure the plant pictured above is the intermediate form (top left in group photo, last in individual photos).
I would also like to propose moving these other 2 images (second one looks like narrow leafed form pictured above). Please let me know what you think and I can take care of this.