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Avatar for Bimfi
Oct 16, 2017 10:17 AM CST
Thread OP

I live in South Carolina, USA and have a citrus tree called a Calamansi. It is also called the Calamondin. I keep it in a large pot because it needs to be protected from the frost and cold weather in the winter.
For the last few years the pot it is in has been home to a nest of fire ants. We want to remove the fire ants from the pot but are afraid that any common types of insecticide may leech into the fruits of the Calamansi tree.
I had asked my local pest control person about the fire ants and after some research he said that “Fipronil” was what was recommended. He used it once and it seemed to work. But lately the ants have returned. I guess I could have him treat the pot again with the Fipronil, but I wanted to ask around to see if this was indeed the best product to use. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Avatar for Plantsmylove
Oct 29, 2017 9:06 AM CST
Name: Alex Junge
MN st paul, (Zone 4a)
Have you planned on flooding the pot with water maybe adding dawn dish soap.

Maybe that would work
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  • Started by: Bimfi
  • Replies: 1, views: 612
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