It's still raining here, and I have roses blooming - they'll keep on until a hard freeze stops them. I don't bother winterizing my roses any more - it's too much work. I figure, if they die, they were not meant to grow here; if they live, I planted the right ones! All I do for the roses is remove dead wood in spring, then let them alone, no fertilizer, no sprays. I have one hybrid perpetual, two miniatures, two rugosa hybrids, one David Austin English hybrid, and one Rosa glauca, all of which have survived 10 winters, hungry deer, and summertime caterpillar attacks. I'm actually amazed they have lived this long. The rugosa roses seem to be the best for my Zone and rarely have any winter damage, the miniatures like to have snow cover and tend to lose exposed branches, the rest always have some die-back in winter, but never to the ground. I say, "Let it snow on my roses!"