We came from here..........
The thread "Farming and First Frost October 2017" in
Farming forum
Ah.......drab November. It is the only month I find truly depressing...........come to think, it is tied with January. Jan is cold, usually. November is drab and letting us know that the worst is yet to come. *sigh*............
The Spousal Unit is gone all day and into the evening helping with corn harvest for the neighbor. He's driving the catch cart and loading the semis when they get there. The 2nd combine is in for repairs as is one of the heads. The combine's problem was the unloading auger that wouldn't "stay put"........the corn head needs repair because the operator (NOT my DS#1, it was the other driver) ran into a stump. He wouldn't have run into the stump had he been following the rows like they were planted and not wandering willy-nilly over the field. I think they're hoping that it's all in working order today.
I start a milking job today till the 7th. I will be dead by the time my week is up.

I have no help; would be nice if I had a little to scrape and haul bedding after I get done milking. Oh, well...........I'll just plug along and I eventually DO get it all done. 75 cows, 13 calves to feed, and the possibility of a fresh cow before they get back. This is the one with the "unconventional" milking times...3 am-3pm. It's the 3 am one that about kills me.
I still have Equity on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. It won't interfere too much today, but I told the gal I would probably be late on Monday as that is usually the day where we have more calves. She said it wasn't a problem. It will all work out and we will have campground fee $$ for next year. I'm afraid we're done for the year............haven't been RVing since mid-August. I am sad.