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Nov 2, 2017 1:43 PM CST
Thread OP
College Park, MD
I have three plants I could use help identifying. I don't believe any were growing in the water, and I grabbed these a few weeks ago as the wetland was beginning to senesce for winter. Thanks!
Thumb of 2017-11-02/eglaud/4f0ad1
Thumb of 2017-11-02/eglaud/4ddac6
Thumb of 2017-11-02/eglaud/1acf76
Nov 2, 2017 2:29 PM CST
Name: greene
Savannah, GA (Sunset 28) (Zone 8b)
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Blinking First I had to look up the meaning of the word 'senesce'.

Then I asked myself, did you not take photos of the plants in situ? To see the live, green, growing plants would give us a better chance to identify each one.

Other than these specimens, did you take photos? Please say yes. Crossing Fingers!

Also, I see that you are in College Park, MD...but where were the plants growing?
Thank You!
Sunset Zone 28, AHS Heat Zone 9, USDA zone 8b~"Leaf of Faith"
Nov 2, 2017 2:32 PM CST
Name: Kent Pfeiffer
Southeast Nebraska (Zone 5b)
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The second one is Winged Monkey Flower (Mimulus alatus).

The third one appears to be a species of Tickseed (Bidens) but I'm not 100% sure of that and, if it is, couldn't make much of a guess at the species.
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Nov 2, 2017 6:15 PM CST
Thread OP
College Park, MD
greene said: Blinking First I had to look up the meaning of the word 'senesce'.

Then I asked myself, did you not take photos of the plants in situ? To see the live, green, growing plants would give us a better chance to identify each one.

Other than these specimens, did you take photos? Please say yes. Crossing Fingers!

Also, I see that you are in College Park, MD...but where were the plants growing?
Thank You!

Sorry! Just that they had begun to die back for winter (the wetlands were in general, I mean), that's what I meant. And unfortunately no, I was in the wetlands, then pressed and dried them for a bit, and now they look the way they do. I can take more pictures of them, however, I just snapped them today. I took these at various wetlands around maryland, as well as Lake Artemesia. If nobody can identify them that's fine as well, I would need to confirm their ID's regardless.
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  • Started by: eglaud
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