Indeed, Karen! That's what the Christmas holiday is all about: family, food, and fun!
Boy, we sure seem to be having a mild winter. We haven't gotten any of the winter storms that we've had in the past and only a few nights of frost to speak of... It's actually feels like Spring!
I harvested the last of the hoop house green tomatoes and peppers this morning. Since the pots were directly on the ground, I'm thinking those few cold nights were just too much for them as all the leaves wilted overnight. Next time, I'll be sure to put them on some plywood or some other type of barrier. Live and learn.
So, it looks like fried tomatoes will be an ongoing snack for the next few days. I found a recipe for green tomato bacon jam... Never heard of such a thing, but apparently, it's wonderful to add to hamburger meat for the BBQ. Going to give that a try as well.
Oh, and because you are an accomplished artist, Karen, I was recently gifted a slew of large gourds! So, I'm now trying my hand at gourd art! I can hardly believe just how beautiful some of the pieces I've seen on the Internet turn out. It's amazing what skilled artists can do with them - Simply Breathtaking.
Wishing you a wonderful New Year! Stay safe, healthy, and happy!