Hi I'm new here. This is my first post actually and I'm still trying to work the site.
Ok, anyways y'all. I saw a thread from July that was asking about the root nodes of the poster's pothos being fuzzy and it peaked my interests.
I've had a Marble Queen Pothos for quite some time. I've named her Lady Madonna (anyone else a Beatles fan?). She's super healthy, full, no yellow leaves, no sicknesses, no pests, and very content. BUT after reading the post I referred to earlier, I took it upon myself to to lift up Lady Madonnas little skirt, (I know, how violating) and, lone behold, there were about 4 or 5 little fuzzy toes.
So, I went into panic mode, dug around the internet like crazy, and I can't find ANYTHING other than that post. And the post has been sleeping for a while so I DON'T WHAT THE ISSUE WAS OR SOLUTION WAS! agggghhhhh. I did find a few articles on propagating the pothos, one article/blog being written by someone who is a plant guru, and on his photos he posted, I can see little fuzzy roots as well. Members of this site suggested that overwatering may have been the culprit to blame on the forum from July, but I will assure you that Lady Madonna isn't over watered.
This fall, she did, however, have a quick fainting spell (oh, how Victorian!). I'm assuming it was from the shock of moving to a new apartment. But she is alive and thriving now.
I'm not super concerned, but still a bit worried of a root disease. I really love this plant a lot and want to help her.
Any ideas on this mystery???
Perhaps it's time to up and repot???