Abutilon - Voodoo
African Daisy - 3d
African Daisy - Flame
African Daisy - Pumpkin Pie
African Daisy - Sunny Cambria
African Daisy - Zion Copper Amethyst
Agapanthus - Bressingham Blue
Agapanthus - Northern Star
Ageratum - Cloud Nine Pink
Ageratum - Red
Alyssum - Oriental Nights
Ammi visnaga, 'Green Mist'
Aquilegia longissima
Asparagus Pea
Astrantia maxima
Babys Breath
Begonia - Black Taffeta
Begonia - Nonstop Fire
Begonia - Nonstop Rose Petticoat
Begonia - Surefire Rose
Begonia - Vermillion Red
Begonia - Bada Bing Pink or Mix
Begonia - Illumination Golden Picotee
Bellis perennis, Habanero Series
Bellis perennis, 'Tasso' Series
Brazilian Fireworks - Maracus
Brunnera - Jack Frost
Calibrachoa, Reds, Purples, Yellows
Calabrachoa, Fuseables Paradise Island
Calibrachoa, Can Can Bumblebee Pink
Calibrachoa, Crave Strawberry Star
Calibrachoa, Kabloom Crave Sunset
Calendula, Apricot Twist
Calendula, Indian Prince
Calendula, Greenheart Orange
Calendula, Neon
Calendula, Princess Mix
Calendula, Red Devil
Calliandra - Blushing Pixie
Callistephus chinensis, 'Dwarf Milady Scarlet'
Callistephus chinensis, 'Thousand Wonders Salmon Rose'
Carthamus tinctorius, 'Shiro'
Carthamus tinctorius, 'Zanzibar'
Catananche - Caerulea
Centaurea americana, 'Aloha Blanca'
Centaurea americana, 'Aloha Rosa'
China Aster
Cimicifuga racemosa - cordifolia
Chrysanthemum - Matchsticks
Clarkia purpurea, 'Burgundy Wine'
Clivia miniata, 'Yellow'
Cobaea scandens
Coleus, Any but rainbow. I have that. :)
Coleus, Wizard Jade
Coleus, Wizard Scarlet
Coleus, Wizard Sunset
Coneflower - Cinnamon Cupcake
- Green Envy
- Green Eyes
- Magnus Superior
- Piccolino
- Pink Poodle
- Rainbow Marcella
- Raspberry Truffle
- Ruby Star
- Secret Desire
- Secret Glow
- Sombrero Baja Burgundy
- Sombrero Sandy
- Summer Sky
- Supreme Cantaloupe
Coral Bells, Any
Coral Bells - Fire Chief
Coral Bells - Marmalade
Coral Bells - Melting Fire
Coral Bells - Midnight Bayou
Coral Bells - Obsidian
Coreopsis - Autumn Blush
Coreopsis basalis, 'Golden Crown'
Coreopsis - Heaven's Gate
Coreopsis - Mahogany
Coreopsis, Rising Sun
Coreopsis, Sunburst
Coronaria Alba Silene Moss Campion
Cosmos bipinnatus, 'Antiquity'
Cottage Pinks
Creeping Thyme
Daucus carota
Dahlia - Burlesca
- Coltness Mix
- Figaro Orange Shades
- Figaro Red Shades
- Labyrinth
Dianthus - Brilliant
Dianthus - Cranberry Cocktail
Dianthus - Maraschino
Dianthus, Sooty
Didiscus caeruleus
Dierama (Angel's Fishing Rod)
Echinacea - Primadonna
Echinacea - Hot Papaya
Echinacea - Secret Desire
Echinacea - Sombrero Baja Burgundy
Echinacea - Supreme Cantaloupe
Erysimum chieri (Wall Flower)
Erysimum cheiri, 'Ivory White'
Eschscholzia caespitosa, 'Sundew'
Foxglove - Candy Mountain
Foxglove - Illumination Flame
Foxglove - Plum Gold
French Marigolds
Gaillardia, Amber Wheels
Gaillardia, Candy Corn
Gaillardia, Fanfare
Gaillardia, Mesa Peach
Gayfeather, Goblin
Groundcovers, Any
Geranium, Bulls Eye Scarlet
Geranium, Bulls Eye Salmon
Geranium, Horizon Pink Meteor
Geranium - Maverick Orange
Geranium, Moulin Rouge
Geranium, Pinto Premium Salmon Splash
Geranium, Tornado Red
Gerbera Daisy - Cartwheel Strawberry Twist
Gerbera Daisy - Crush Mix
Gerbera Daisy - Festival Mix
Gerbera Daisy - Jaguar Mix
Gerbera Daisy - Revolution Yellow/Orange
Gomphrena - dwarf varieties
Gypsophila elegans, 'Kermesina'
Helenium - Red Jewel
Helianthus annuus, 'Valentine'
Heliotrope - Fragrant Delight
Helichrysum petiolare (Licorice Plant)
Heliopsis, Burning Heart
Ice Plant: Any reds
Ice Plant - Fire Spinner
Ice Plant - Stardust
Impatiens - Carmine
Impatiens - Fusion Peach Frost
Impatiens - Salmon Splash
Impatiens - Swirl Coral
Impatiens - Swirl Monet Mix
Impatiens - Swirl Peach
Impatiens - Vanilla and Berries Mix
Irish Moss
Jacobs Ladder - Variegated
Japanese Burnet
Kenilworth Ivy
Kniphofia - Red Hot Popsicle
Lavatera - Pink Blush
Lavatera - Tanagra
Lavendar - Ellegance Series
Lavender - Kew Red
Lavender - Regal Splendor
Lavender Cotton
Lobelia - Fan Salmon
Lobelia, Trailing and edging types
Marigold, Alumia Red
Marigold, Bonanza Bee
Marigold, Brocade Mix
Marigold, Chameleon
Marigold, Inca 2 Primrose
Marigold, Legion of Honor
Marigold, Kilaminjaro White
Marigold, Legion of Honor
Marigold, Triple Treat
Marigold, Vanilla Improved
Marigold, Zenith Red
Matthiola incana, 'Cinderella'
Matthiola incana, 'Vintage Copper'
Matthiola incana, 'Vintage Peach'
Nasturtium, King Theodore
Mimulus - Red Emperor
Nasturtiums - Any named, no jewel series
Nasturtium, Banana Split
Nasturtium, Double Delight Cream
Nasturtium, Empress of India
Nasturtium, Orchid Cream
Nasturtium, Strawberry Cream
Nemesia cheiranthus, 'Masquerade'
Nemesia strumosa, 'Fire King'
Nemesia - Poetry Mix
Nicotiana - 10" or smaller, dwarf only please
Nicotiana, Avalon Series
Nicotiana, Perfume Series
Nicotiana, Saratoga Mix
Nigella - Blue Stars
Nigella - Deep Blue
Nigella papillosa, 'African Bride'
Nigella damascena, 'Albion Green Pod'
Nigella - Persian Jewels Indigo
Oregano, Ornamental - Rossenkuppel
Osteospermum - Summertime Series
Osteospermum, Asti series
Osteospermum, Blue Eyed Beauty
Panicum elegans, Sprinkles
Passion Flower, Lady Margaret
Pansy - Bolero Series
- Colossus Purple w Blotch
- Colossus Lavender Medley
- flambe lilac
- moulin rouge
- ocean
- ocean breeze
- panola pink shades
- Plentifall Frost
- ruby mix
- Lavender Beauty
- Halloween 2 (or any black)
- Karma Series, Any
- Mariposa Peach Shades
Penstemon, Any
Penstemon barbatus, 'Cambridge'
Peony - Early Scout
Petunia - African sunset
Petunia - Aladdin series, any
Petunia - Black Cat
Petunia - Capri Series, any
Petunia - Carpet Blue Lace
Petunia - Carpet Buttercream
Petunia - Damask Series
Petunia - dolcissima fragolni
Petunia - espresso frappe rose
Petunia - espresso frappe ruby
Petunia - Fuseables Blue Dawn
Petunia - Limbo series
Petunia - opera supreme lilac ice
Petunia - Nuvolari Dusty morn
Petunia - Sophistica Blackberry
Petunia - Strawberry Wine
Petunia - Salmon Coral
Petunia - Shock wave Deep Purple
Petunia - Sophistica Blackberry Hybrid
Phalaris canariensis
Pheasant's Eye
Phlox - Brilliant
Phlox - Bright Eyes
Phlox - California Mountain
Phlox - Summer Long Scarlet
Phlox drummondii cuspidata, 'Twinkling Beauty'
Phlox drummondii, 'Petticoat' Mix
Phlox paniculata 'New Hybrids Mix'
Physocarpus - Tiny Wine
Pineapple Sage
Pink Pinheads
Polygonatum odoratum 'Aromatic Solomon's Seal'
Portulaca - Orange extra Double
Potentilla nepalensis 'Miss Willmott'
Potentilla thurberi amorubens 'Monarch's Velvet'
Primrose - Any except evening. I have that.
Primrose - Candlelabra
Primrose - Chinese Pagoda
Primrose - Orchid
Primula denticulata - Ruby
Primula acaulis 'Choice Mixed'
Primula - Silver Lace Black
Ridolfia segetum
Rudbeckia, Caramel
Rudbeckia, Ruby Gold
Rudbeckia, Ruby Ruby
Rudbeckia - Rustic Colors
Sacaton Grass
Salvia farinacea, 'Evolution White'
Salvia farinacea, 'Evolution'
Salvia horminum, 'Streaker Dwarf Mixed'
Salvia, Adora Blue
Salvia - Lighthouse Purple
Salvia - Salsa Bicolor
Salvia, Evolution
Salvia, Forest Fire
Salvia, Heat Elite Mojave Red
Salvia, Merleau Blue
Salvia, Rose Queen
Salvia, Summer Jewels Series
Saxifraga - Purple Robe
Scabiosa, Salmon Queen
Scabiosa, Salmon Rose
Scabiosa - Fama Deep Blue
Scotch Moss
Sedum - Silver Frost
Sedum, Oracle
Sedum, Turkish Delight
Snapdragon, Named only
Snapdragon - Plumblossom Hybrid
Snapdragon - Ruby Rocket
Snapdragon - The Rose
Snapdragon - Twinny rose
Snapdragon, Sawyer's Old Fashioned
Snapdragon, Tetra Ruffled Giants
Stock, I have none so any really is appreciated
Stock, Iron Series
Stock, Katz Series
Stock, Midget Mix
Sunflower, Bashful
Sunflower, Candy Mountain Hybrid
Sunflower, Cherry Rose
Sunflower, Coconut Ice
Sunflower, Gypsy Charmer
Sunflower, Little Becka Hybrid
Sunflower, Little Tiger
Sunflower, Pastiche
Sunflower, Peach Passion
Sunflower, Procut Bicolor
Sunflower, Procut Brilliance
Sunflower, Procut Gold
Sunflower, Procut Plum
Sunflower, Solar Flash
Sunflower, Super Snack Hybrid Mix
Sunflower, The Joker
Sunflower, Vincent Choice
Sunflower, Vincent Fresh
Sweet Pea
Symphytrichum oblongifolium
Sweet William - Dunetti
Thyme, Creeping
Thyme, Elfin
Tithonia rotundifolia, 'Torch'
Trillium - Whippoorwill
Trillium Chloropetalum - Pale Pink
Tanacetum parthenium aureum
Tropaeolum majus, 'Ladybird Rose'
Tropaeolum majus, 'Salmon Baby'
Tropaeolum majus, 'Tom Thumb' Mixed
Texas Bluebonnets (Red)
Urospermum dalechampii
Verbascum - Southern Charm
Verbena, Obsession Series
Verbena, Obsession Cascade Series
Viburnum x burkwoodii Mohawk
Viburnum - Cardinal Candy
Vinca - Cora Series
Vinca - jaio dark red
Vinca - jams and jellies blackberry
Viola, Amber Kiss
Viola, Caramel Pastel Lilac
Viola, Penny Azure Dawn
Viola, Sorbet Antique Shades
Viola, Sorbet Honeybee
Viola, Sorbet Lemon Chiffon
Viola, Sorbet Midnight Glow
Viscaria - Blue Angel
Wallflower - Blood Red
Wallflower - Ruby Gem
Wallflower - Vulcan
Zinnia - Any in the Benary Series
Zinnia - Edwardian
Zinnia - Meteor
Zinnia - Pinca Giant Cactus
Zinnia - Sunshine Hybrid Mix
Zinnia - Whirligig
Zinnia Elegans - Berry Basket Mix
Zinnia Zahara - Coral Rose
Zinnia Lilac Bedder Rose
Zinnia, Cherry & Ivory Swizzle
Zinnia, Dreamland (any)
Zinnia, Magellan (any)