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Avatar for bodyboarder03
Jan 23, 2018 3:15 PM CST
Thread OP
NSW Australia
Hi everyone,
So I've owned a fiddle leaf for about 2 months now and in need of some help. I have seen so many other threads on this but I thought I'd post my own photos. There are multiple leafs that are going brown. We had new growth and now some of those leaves are going an odd color as well.

It was sitting in front of a window that has indirect sunlight. Only watered when the top inch or so was dry. I have felt the bottom of the plant and it's still fairly moist.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thumb of 2018-01-23/bodyboarder03/aab232

Thumb of 2018-01-23/bodyboarder03/95b2a1
Thumb of 2018-01-23/bodyboarder03/36bdb8
Thumb of 2018-01-23/bodyboarder03/b2a1de
Thumb of 2018-01-23/bodyboarder03/200630

Thumb of 2018-01-23/bodyboarder03/c7f44d
Last edited by bodyboarder03 Jan 23, 2018 6:09 PM Icon for preview
Jan 24, 2018 8:38 AM CST
Name: Alice
Flat Rock, NC (Zone 7a)
The beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains
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Welcome! bodyboarder hope you can find some help here.

I am not an expert with these plants but I can tell you that ficus dislike being relocated. As you have only had this one for 2 months it will need some time to acclimate to the conditions in your home. What kind of potting medium are you using? In the photo is looks like a lot of bark and maybe not enough perlite or other material for drainage/aeration. You say the bottom of the soil in the pot is still fairly moist, that tells me that it is not draining as well as it should. You want the roots at the bottom of the pot to have oxygen too. What kind of holes are in the bottom of that container you have it in? It is my understanding from those who do specialize in these plants that watering practices, either too much or too little is usually what causes the brown spots.
Good luck with it.
Minds are like parachutes; they work better when they are open.
Jan 24, 2018 3:37 PM CST
Name: Will Creed
Prof. plant consultant & educator
Fiddle-leafed Figs need lots of sunlight and lots of water. Yours may not be getting enough of either. Lack of either will cause the symptoms you see. Make sure yours is right immediately in front of your sunniest window. The window should be completely uncovered and unobstructed.

If there is a lot of loose potting material on the surface, remove it and then water thoroughly as soon as the surface of the soil feels dry. Yes, the soil deeper in the pot will remain damp, as it should.
Will Creed
Horticultural Help, NYC
Contact me directly at [email protected]
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Jan 26, 2018 3:30 PM CST
Name: Carter Mayer
Houston, TX (Zone 9b)
Adeniums Tropicals Plant Identifier
I agree with Will.
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