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Feb 12, 2018 12:26 AM CST
Thread OP

So this plant was doing fine until i repotted it in a pot with no holes because i did that for the same plant and it worked great but this one died i think.. anyway i wont repot any plant in the future unless really needed..

It started feelind tired and bending down and when i wanted to repot it today i felt like there were not even roots anymore so i put :

1.some branches in water
2. other branches in a smaller pot filled with earth that has holes to drain the water both in front of the window. I am hoping to grow new roots..

What do you guys think? Thanks!

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Feb 12, 2018 1:03 AM CST
Name: Laurie b
Western Washington (Zone 7b)
Houseplants Orchids Region: Pacific Northwest Region: Mexico Sedums Tropicals
Fingers crossed. But loosing a plant means you must go buy a new one. So there is that. Hurray!
Feb 12, 2018 6:31 AM CST
Name: Will Creed
Prof. plant consultant & educator
"anyway i wont repot any plant in the future unless really needed.." That is the best advice that you can follow. Repotting is not as simple as it appears and much can go wrong unless you know what you are doing.

I suggest that you take as many healthy tip cuttings (each with about 4 leaves) from your Pothos and root them in water. After they have developed healthy roots, pot the cuttings together in a very small pot. This is a way for you to start over. The roots in your existing plant look severely damaged and it is unlikely to recover.
Will Creed
Horticultural Help, NYC
Contact me directly at [email protected]
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Feb 12, 2018 8:22 AM CST
Name: Sally
central Maryland (Zone 7b)
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Very pretty markings, a good tough plant to work with (Pothos) and I'm sure you'll have some success. Best way to learn what to expect from plants is trying things and seeing what happens. The hardest thing is having the patience - in my experience the vines in dirt can take a long time to look like they're doing anything. The ones in water, you can see the roots.
Plant it and they will come.
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Feb 12, 2018 8:54 AM CST
Name: Deborah
midstate South Carolina (Zone 8a)
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As Will mentioned, be sure to place the cuttings in a small pot. The original pot was way to large, causing the soil to stay too wet. And the roots rotted/died. Believe me, I and several others learned that the hard way. Whistling
Feb 12, 2018 9:37 AM CST
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- 🌹 (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
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The pot not having a drain hole seemed more critical to me, generally, but the few times I've repotted vines, they did not respond as favorably as I would have liked.

Repotting vines like Pothos, Philodendron, even WJ & other Tradescantias, any vines/creepers that do not become woody over the course of a few yrs, is not something I ever do anymore. I see no reason to keep & try to rehabilitate if old roots have become unhappy on plants like these because when they get tired looking, &/or have developed bare lengths of stem, it's so much easier to just cut everything off @ the soil level, cut vines into pieces of desired length, & start over.

Starting over with a group of fresh cuttings takes about 2 minutes unless there's really a lot of mass, and gives the roots the entire space of the pot to fill again before they become cramped and out of room to grow. I have the best luck with vine cuttings by starting roots in water, for about a week or 2, then potting.
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