I was Just totally Jumped by all the Is, and now its time for J, a very delicate ingredient, subtle and often sparse in the collections of photographs, (except for you lot, of course), I have a few to start, and possibly this is all I have, I was a biologist for many years and collected a few native (and non native species of Juncus) and of course there is Joe Pye weed, and Japanese maple, if you haven't already spent all of these in the first part of the alphabet (see, didnt I tell you?) but I am sure there will be Jasmines and Josephs Coat of Many Colors and who knows? The first Juncus is J. effusus spiralis, not a native, the second is a very common Juncus of ditches and waste places i have next to the upper pond, Juncus tenuis. The other two Js are self explanatory, soJ away!