Aha! Still learning how to use this forum, and discovering some curious quirks in the navigation of long threads.
Settings >
Items per page:
Mine is set to 20 (I think it's the default)
Bev, yours must be set to 40.
Yes indeed that setting affects page numbers, I tested it so I can better understand how this site works. I managed to get to Page 82, could not find 'Water Lily'. With my "20 items per page" setting, Page 164 is the correct page.
It is possible to cite the specific page, as if a bookmark within the thread, by copying the URL that shows in your browser once on the right page, but that URL will only work for other forumists if they're using the same "items per page count" setting.
Navigating a thread:
The curious thing about long threads on this forum, is the inability to jump to a specific page that's not among the boxed page numbers displayed. In the image below, I can move 4 pages backwards or forwards, or jump to beginning or end. To reach a page like 82, I would need to move forward multiple times to finally reach page 82. On some forums I've been on, the ellipsis "..." is actually a clickable link that pops up a box to allow inputting a page number. Might be a worthwhile feature to ask the programming team about.
Search this forum:
Searching works well, it's quick. Now that I took a closer look, the search results give two options; a link to individual posts, and a corresponding link to the thread it's found in. Unfortunately, the link to individual posts shows it as a singular database record thus no navigation from that post, it's not jumping to a bookmark position within the thread, as it might in other forum platforms.
For finding right page# vicinity in long posts, using date could be useful, but requires some guess work, click on first and last posts to get dates of each, to get idea of date range, then guess where in the date range to try to get to, but once again contending with only advancing backwards/forwards 4 pages at a time.
Thanks to all for your help so far. And sorry about getting mired in technical details, that's the IT side of my past profession(s), but I like to investigate, understand, then present my findings for collective understanding. I think if the site's technical team could map the ellipsis "..." icon to allow jumping to specific pages, that would surely make accessing the vast body of knowledge inside its forums much faster and user friendly.
Back to 'Water Lily:
Thanks too, for pointing me to the 'Water Lily' thread in 2016, I will be sure to use the search functionality more. The discussion was helpful in finding out there is a Sempervivum 'Waterlily', and Sempervivum heuffelii 'Water Lily'.
The mystery remains, two apparently different heuffelii 'Water Lily' plants, one in the USA, the other in Germany, the latter looking highly colored and not all-green as with the USA plant. Perhaps it's merely a mixup (thus one of them is a NoID), or there is a an unwittingly duplicated cultivar name on two continents, or the plant grows deeply colored pink to maroon red in Germany, but I find this last option unlikely.
Question: is there a singular recognized registry of all Sempervivum names? With so many thousands of cultivars, in the absence of such a reference, one can assume many name duplicates might occur.