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Mar 18, 2018 12:17 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jacob Fuentes
los angeles (Zone 10b)
Hello, i just bought this Stromanthe and it was in rough shape. I want to know what can i do to get her better. Some leaves are yellow and with dry spots. One leaf is curled but doesn't seem to be dying nor getting better. The soil seem very compacted and hard, when i try to put my finger to check moisture i can barely put it in and i dont think thats good for this plant. help
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Mar 18, 2018 8:56 AM CST
Name: Philip Becker
Fresno California (Zone 8a)
Probably rootbound, so it is water deprived, water can't penetrate into rootball. Soak rootball in pail of water 30 minutes. Ruff up rootball some, and put her to next size pot, with just moistened soil, AND ! Wait a week before watering. 👍👍
Trim any bad and old leafs off.
SHE'LL BE BACK ! Besides ! She doesn't look bad, at all ! 👍😎😎😎
Anything i say, could be misrepresented, or wrong.
Mar 18, 2018 9:09 AM CST
Name: Will Creed
Prof. plant consultant & educator
Your Stromanthe looks to be in very good shape. It is normal for an occasional lower leaf too yellow and die. The leaf that did not unfurl is creased. I suggest that you cut it off. The rest of the plant is fine and pretty hard to improve upon.

It may be potbound enough to warrant a pot one size larger. The best way to tell is by watering it thoroughly and then seeing how long it takes before the soil surface feels dry enough to need water again. If it only takes a couple of days, then move up one pot size. Otherwise, leave it alone.

If you do repot, do NOT make the common mistake of removing any of the existing potting soil. It is okay to loosen the roots surrounding the rootball a bit. Then, put it into a pot with a potting mix consisting of peat moss and perlite. Add the potting mix to the bottom of the pot and around the sides. Do not put any on top of the existing rootball.
Will Creed
Horticultural Help, NYC
Contact me directly at [email protected]
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