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Mar 20, 2018 6:14 PM CST
Thread OP
Pasadena, Ca
Hello! I have a hedge along the back of my property that looks as if it has reached it's max height. Unfortunately it's not tall enough to block the view to the neighbors house, which is terribly ugly. I want it blocked! I've planted three trees along the back there, but it's going to take a few years before they start to block the view. I don't really like the hedge anyway, but I don't want to tear it down and start over. My question is... can I plant something at the base of the hedge that will grow up and over the existing hedge? Bougainvillea grows really well in this area, and seems to have great looking blooms most of the year. I'm in zone 10, SoCal.

Thanks for your input!
Mar 20, 2018 6:45 PM CST
Name: Carol
Santa Ana, ca
Sunset zone 22, USDA zone 10 A.
Bookworm Charter ATP Member Region: California Hummingbirder Orchids Plant Identifier
Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
Bougainvillea would need something to climb on if you want it tall, and it will make a mess of dead flowers on both sides of the fence. If you could add some lattice on top of the fence/wall it would help. There are lots of vines that could do the job, but they would need something to climb on, and could become too rampant to control...or get rid of when the trees fill in.
Mar 20, 2018 11:44 PM CST
Name: Big Bill
Livonia Michigan (Zone 6a)
If you need to relax, grow plants!!
Bee Lover Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Orchids Region: Michigan Hostas Growing under artificial light
Echinacea Critters Allowed Cat Lover Butterflies Birds Region: United States of America
Chances are if you plant something to grow up and over the hedge, it will shade out the hedge causing it problems because you will block the sunlight. You could end up seeing more of the ugly house!
Better off to just wait for the trees to fill in and help hide it.
Orchid lecturer, teacher and judge. Retired Wildlife Biologist. Supervisor of a nature preserve up until I retired.
Mar 21, 2018 12:36 AM CST
Name: Yardenman
Maryland (Zone 7a)
You aren't going to get anything growing ON the hedge that is taller.

So choose a shrub or tree that grows tall enough to block out the neighbor and plant those between your existing shrubs until they large enough, then cut the old ones down. Or move them. I hate to see good plants killed.
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Mar 21, 2018 8:09 AM CST
Name: Porkpal
Richmond, TX (Zone 9a)
Cat Lover Charter ATP Member Keeper of Poultry I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Dog Lover Keeps Horses
Roses Plant Identifier Farmer Raises cows Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Garden Ideas: Level 2
Clumping bamboo will grow fast and tall. There are several varieties that grow to different heights.
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