Name: Tiffany purpleinopp Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Oxalis & Dianthus.
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Name: Deborah midstate South Carolina (Zone 8a) Don't Sweat the Small Stuff!
Lovely blooms, Tiffany and Larry. @Larry do you know which hosta that it in your third photo? I have one that looks like it, and had it forever (it seems) but I don't know which variety it is. And Wow! Your amaryllis are gorgeous. How deep do you plant your bulbs?
That hosta looks like so many others, but it is actually one that I grew from seed! So its Larry's hosta!
Sorry, missed the second question: I don't have to dig my bulbs each season, but when I do dig some and transplant them I normally am not too particular about the depth. Mostly I cover the entire bulb, and it seems to find the depth it wants.
Name: Deborah midstate South Carolina (Zone 8a) Don't Sweat the Small Stuff!
for your response, Larry. This past winter, I dug up nearly all of my amaryllis due to the fact that the leaf tips would get frostbitten by a late freeze every spring. When I checked on my plants a few weeks ago, I found some that I'd forgotten to dig up in a semi-shaded area. When we had 2 nights of freezing temps this past week, I placed a pine straw over the leaves for protection, and they came through just fine. When I replant the rest of my bulbs this weekend, I'll have to make sure that they are in a protected spot (closer to the house) and not in a wide open area, as they had been in the past. This should help prevent having frosted leaf tips and damage to/loss of my smaller bulbs in the future.
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
I am SO excited! Forgive my exuberance, but this post is mostly about the delicious anticipation of blooms that have not happened yet.
I got a box of 100 Gladiolus bulbs 6-8 weeks ago & put them in 4 spots. They're really coming up well, some were much bigger than others.
There are some along the back of this area, with Amaryllis, Lycoris, Tradescantia, Sedum. There's foliage there all year from this combo. and various flowers about 70% of the time. If I find more Oxalis bulbs, adding some of those would result in blooms right now.
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Beautiful Larry!
I think I may need to start digging up my amaryllis in the fall, I've never done that. Jack Frost has really chomped the tips this year. Only problem is they're usually hidden under other spreading perennials and I can't remember exactly where they are. I need to get more organized
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Wax Begonias have begun, in pots & in ground. Ground plants are still so small, I haven't taken any pics.
My gorgeous & incredibly scented new "drift rose."
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
I have no idea. That's what the lady called it when I bought it, "drift rose." It was tagless. I noticed them because of the scent and was completely surprised to find myself buying a rose that day.
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
While making coffee this morning, I saw this Amaryllis starting to bloom, so I managed to finish getting ready quickly enough to have a couple mins to take camera outside. Just-starting Amaryllis, Sedum reflexum & spiderwort, purple Tradescantia pallida foliage.
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Tradescantia pallida is starting to bloom.
'Beefsteak' Begonia.
Pansies put here in January.
Kalanchoes hanging at front porch.
This Dianthus was the 1 plant to sprout from a pack of "wildflower" seeds last year. Blooming nonstop since last summer.
Sedum & Oxalis bulbs. Pink & yellow is always one of my fav color combs.
Lots of Gardenia buds but I don't think they'll be an April thing this year.
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.