They look O.K. but they need dormancy. Here's how *I* do it for mine:
As temps approach 35 degrees F. this is my routine:
For VFTs, I drain off excess water from the pots, hit them with a sulphur based fungicide and place in zip lock bags and pop them in the fridge for 3-4 months. I occasionally check them (once a month) for fungus and hit with the fungicide if needed. Late winter around February/March I take them out hit them with sulphur based fungicide again and place in a south and west window until night time temps. regularly stay above freezing then slowly acclimate them to full outdoor Sun. I've been using this method for almost 10 years with no losses.
I remove my Sarrs from the pots, dunk and clean the roots in rainwater. Put them in zip lock bags, spray a little sulphur based fungicide on them and put into the bottom of my fridge. Works great.