Hello all---I am very new to plants and have only had a few ever in my life. My mother recently died and she had a Philodendron for more than 60 years (she got it back in college in the 1950's)--I remember her caring for this plant when I was a child 40-50 years ago. I now have this plant and want to do my very best to care for it properly---it is a living part of her and it's very important to me. I am worried about it, though---she lived in Georgia and I live in Colorado. I carried the plant on the plane home with me and when I arrived, the one thin root stem had separated from the plant, leaving no visible root to replant. It was one long vine! I did a little reading and discovered that I could cut the vine and place the ends in water, so I have done this. It has been about two weeks and, though the vines themselves appear green and healthy, the leaves are turning yellow/brown and falling off.
A few questions:
1) Is this normal for the leaves to fall off so quickly? Should I be worried?
2) If I am doing this right, how long before each stem sprouts a root?
3) When can I replant them into a pot?
4) Do they need different care now that I am in a drier climate? Should I be misting them daily even though they are in water?
5) The original root system is still in the pot and I continue to water it only because I don't know if it's viable---will this amount to anything or should I stop caring for it?
6) Am I completely wrong about everything and need to do something else for this plant?
Carolyn Karrh