We have a potted indoor Ficus that is about ten years old that we are wondering how to revive.
It seems that it has been looking the exact same for years, neither particularly unhappy nor particularly thriving. So we are worried to upset it by taking any action, but it also does not quite look like it has reached its potential...
We live in moderate climate near San Francisco/ the coast. It sits by big (well insulated) windows with tons of light, but no direct sun light, nowhere near a heating vent, room temperature is about 21-23C during the day and 18-21C during the night (when we crack a sliding door about 6 feet away from it; no wind or draft from that). Humidity is about 40% typically. We moved it once in its life, about three years ago, which did not seem to bother it.
It looses a couple of leaves here and there, but no major dropping. We water it about once a week (when the top soil is dry), and fertilize once a month April to October.
There are no big roots growing out of the pot. There are a bunch of branches without leaves (that look sort of dead?), but others are full of leaves, making it quite lopsided. It's gotten quite dusty, but we are scared to spray it down.
What should we do to make it happy?