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Apr 15, 2018 6:45 AM CST
Thread OP
Hi everyone,
I have been looking for the Royal Night for some yers now. I just found it in a webshop in australia but they can not send it to sweden due to there strict laws of quarantine ....

The thing is that i rented a room in a ladies apartment and she had that plant and she loved it soooo much .... i took care of it while she was away in the summers to her summerhouse in finnland ... but then i moved out and the new renters that moved in did not care what so ever about the plants and it died .... so if anyone knows anyone that might have this one then i want to have contact with that person...

Best regards
Martin lindkvist
Thumb of 2018-04-15/wartin/70ac08
Apr 16, 2018 7:09 AM CST
Buenos Aires . Argentina (Zone 9b)
Hi Martin

Did you try writing to Maria-Pilar Herraiz?
Maybe she knows where you can find it in Sweden.
May 4, 2018 1:40 PM CST
Thread OP
Wonderful i will try that .... thank you
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  • Started by: wartin
  • Replies: 2, views: 1,792
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