I bought a new house in 2015 and I knew immediately it was perfect for a Certified Natural Wildlife Habitat because there were birds, and bees, and butterflies everywhere.
The day I was viewing the house considering buying I even heard a woodpecker in a nearby tree.
I worked hard and finally got it certified.
I have a "sunny meadow" and a "shady hill"
I've named my hill "Hosta Hill".
Last autumn I decided to try to attract even more pollinators so I sowed white clover seed.
WOW! It germinated and grew like crazy. All winter it was so great to look out and see green hollies, arborvitae, cat grass (wheat) and the clover which was such a beautiful shade of green during the gray winter. Well, the clover has done very well and spreading like a wildfire and now I don't know what to do about it.
(That being said the new name for the sunny meadow is "Clover Meadow".
Will the clover kill my young trees if the clover completely surrounds them?
Same question - my azaleas?
Same question - my roses?
Same question - my shade perennials - hosta, ferns, astilbe, bleeding hearts, tiarella, heuchera, etc.?
I appreciate any advice you can give me.
Thank you all.