May 2, 2018 2:01 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carol
Santa Ana, ca
Sunset zone 22, USDA zone 10 A.
Bookworm Charter ATP Member Region: California Hummingbirder Orchids Plant Identifier
Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
Amarylla Osteospermum climbing arbor
Thumb of 2018-05-02/ctcarol/95bb2f Thumb of 2018-05-02/ctcarol/7ef5d2

Salvia greggii (autumn sage) Adenium 'diamond'
Thumb of 2018-05-02/ctcarol/dd8ad5 Thumb of 2018-05-02/ctcarol/0b171d

ArctotisThe Rave 'pink sugar and limonium
Thumb of 2018-05-02/ctcarol/fcec96
May 2, 2018 2:21 PM CST
Name: Dick Strever
No.Calif amongst the Redwoods (Zone 9a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Pacific Northwest Region: California
my Solomon pink clivia is in bloom and one of the yellows is almost ready

Thumb of 2018-05-02/Strever/d6d85e

Thumb of 2018-05-02/Strever/208088
Gardens are a thing of Beauty and a job forever
May 2, 2018 2:24 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carol
Santa Ana, ca
Sunset zone 22, USDA zone 10 A.
Bookworm Charter ATP Member Region: California Hummingbirder Orchids Plant Identifier
Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
Bougainvillea Tecoma hybrid 'solar flare'
Thumb of 2018-05-02/ctcarol/c950e0 Thumb of 2018-05-02/ctcarol/21ba93

Borago officinallis The rest are all Alstromeria
Thumb of 2018-05-02/ctcarol/b6da53 Thumb of 2018-05-02/ctcarol/5e2866

Thumb of 2018-05-02/ctcarol/ede764 Thumb of 2018-05-02/ctcarol/d27a1e

Thumb of 2018-05-02/ctcarol/310a49
May 2, 2018 2:26 PM CST
Name: Dick Strever
No.Calif amongst the Redwoods (Zone 9a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Pacific Northwest Region: California
have to show my favorite Rhody (Furnivall's-Daughter)

Gardens are a thing of Beauty and a job forever
May 2, 2018 2:27 PM CST
Name: Dick Strever
No.Calif amongst the Redwoods (Zone 9a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Pacific Northwest Region: California
Wow Carol
you have a bunch of pretty ones
Gardens are a thing of Beauty and a job forever
May 2, 2018 2:29 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carol
Santa Ana, ca
Sunset zone 22, USDA zone 10 A.
Bookworm Charter ATP Member Region: California Hummingbirder Orchids Plant Identifier
Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
I really like that pink one! My yellow finally bloomed and the last seedling, but I didn't get pictures. The seedling is just another orange, but with a bit more yellow throat, so nothing to get excited about. I have a few Epiphyllums blooming but I'll post them on the Epi. forum.
May 2, 2018 5:09 PM CST
Name: Dick Strever
No.Calif amongst the Redwoods (Zone 9a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Pacific Northwest Region: California
only one of my epi's has buds
and that pink Clivia is rather rare
Gardens are a thing of Beauty and a job forever
Last edited by Strever May 13, 2018 6:23 PM Icon for preview
May 2, 2018 5:41 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carol
Santa Ana, ca
Sunset zone 22, USDA zone 10 A.
Bookworm Charter ATP Member Region: California Hummingbirder Orchids Plant Identifier
Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
I had to get rid of my two biggest ones ...a pink and a coral, because they were in 24" baskets that took two people to move and were to heavy for my lemon tree to support. Now, half of the lemon tree is dying, so I don't know how long I'll have the rest of the Epis. Don't have any room for a shade house.
May 2, 2018 6:19 PM CST
Name: Dick Strever
No.Calif amongst the Redwoods (Zone 9a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Pacific Northwest Region: California
aren't Epi's easy to divide ? when they get too big ?
just cut and re-pot ?
Gardens are a thing of Beauty and a job forever
May 2, 2018 8:39 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carol
Santa Ana, ca
Sunset zone 22, USDA zone 10 A.
Bookworm Charter ATP Member Region: California Hummingbirder Orchids Plant Identifier
Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
No, Epis are a Single root. You can take cuttings from them to start, but they really are real estate hogs...and heavy.
May 3, 2018 12:01 PM CST
Name: Dick Strever
No.Calif amongst the Redwoods (Zone 9a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Pacific Northwest Region: California
i just stuck broken arms into the soil and didn't really pay much attention
this morning i found my 4th species of Newt/Salamander (Taricha granulosa granulosa)

Thumb of 2018-05-03/Strever/567b72
Gardens are a thing of Beauty and a job forever
May 3, 2018 12:52 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carol
Santa Ana, ca
Sunset zone 22, USDA zone 10 A.
Bookworm Charter ATP Member Region: California Hummingbirder Orchids Plant Identifier
Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
He's a cutey!
May 11, 2018 7:33 PM CST
Name: Dick Strever
No.Calif amongst the Redwoods (Zone 9a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Pacific Northwest Region: California
the Viburnum is in its full glory again
Thumb of 2018-05-12/Strever/06c8a0

and the Red Rhody is showing off
Thumb of 2018-05-12/Strever/481359
Gardens are a thing of Beauty and a job forever
May 12, 2018 12:58 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carol
Santa Ana, ca
Sunset zone 22, USDA zone 10 A.
Bookworm Charter ATP Member Region: California Hummingbirder Orchids Plant Identifier
Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
Zone envy here! Smiling
May 13, 2018 3:57 PM CST
Name: Dick Strever
No.Calif amongst the Redwoods (Zone 9a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Pacific Northwest Region: California
but i miss Orange County and being able to wear shorts and T shirts
i also have an Azalea that has bloomed for the first time in 9 years
golden flame Exbury Azalea, going to add it to database

Thumb of 2018-05-13/Strever/a5a4f4
Gardens are a thing of Beauty and a job forever
Last edited by Strever May 14, 2018 10:09 PM Icon for preview
May 13, 2018 5:20 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carol
Santa Ana, ca
Sunset zone 22, USDA zone 10 A.
Bookworm Charter ATP Member Region: California Hummingbirder Orchids Plant Identifier
Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
I'll bet you don't miss the low rainfall though...1.67" for the season this year. No Azaleas here, or anything else that needs water.
May 23, 2018 6:05 AM CST
Name: Sherry
Northern California
Sunset Zone 17
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Pacific Northwest Seed Starter Region: California Plant Identifier
I think that this is the most beautiful flower that I've ever seen. Friend Rebecca brought it yesterday, it's Rhododendron 'Fragrantissimum' oldie, which the 'Fragrantissimum Improved' was hybridized from...the 'improved' is apparently improved in looks, being not as 'leggy', but is not as strongly could not imagine the scent that this has. This old one had been taken out on her Uncle's property and she rescued it....also holds up well cut apparently since it still looks ravishing this a.m. I see that the 'improved' is offered at nurseries, but she says that the original is not normally available

I could be wrong...
"maybe I should have kept my mouth shut....."
The Urge for Seeds is Strong in This One.....
May 23, 2018 1:24 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carol
Santa Ana, ca
Sunset zone 22, USDA zone 10 A.
Bookworm Charter ATP Member Region: California Hummingbirder Orchids Plant Identifier
Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
That's gorgeous, Sherry! The Rhody family is one I miss the most in my zone. Even the so called sun Azaleas don't do well here
May 23, 2018 1:31 PM CST
Name: Sherry
Northern California
Sunset Zone 17
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Pacific Northwest Seed Starter Region: California Plant Identifier
She cut this branch and it came an hour down here, then was in the car while she was at the nursery, all together, a couple of hours just sitting with no water until it go to my house and it still looks like it did yesterday, fresh and no wilting...amazing. White flowers are my favorites and throw in a scent like that and it's a true winner for me......that red rhody in front of my house is blooming again and I still hate it...really need to have Jer chop it out...and I do mean chop, very old, iron hard wood...usually I end up just cutting the flowers off when I'e haad enough of that with the camellias think the only Rhodys I'e seen that I like are the purple ones...

Need to get more done outside, Spring catch-up time, but also getting stuff together for a yard sale this Saturday...I HATE doing yard sales. My friend down there, Rosa, is my sales buddy who actually LIKES to do them, said she would come help, asked how far it is...told her 824 miles and that took care of
I could be wrong...
"maybe I should have kept my mouth shut....."
The Urge for Seeds is Strong in This One.....
May 23, 2018 1:56 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carol
Santa Ana, ca
Sunset zone 22, USDA zone 10 A.
Bookworm Charter ATP Member Region: California Hummingbirder Orchids Plant Identifier
Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
LOL! Some folks just don't realize what a big state we live in...until they drive it, and pay for the gas.

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  • Replies: 30, views: 1,143
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