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May 7, 2018 7:01 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Randi
Florida (Zone 9b)
I have a pink Brugmansia plant that is blooming right now. Two of the flowers are spotted and I am curious to how breeding works. I have other pink brugmansias that are blooming right now as well, so I have pollen from other plants to use. My main question is if the genetic material in the pollen is from the whole plant, or flower specific. If I put pollen onto one of the spotted flowers, will those seeds have a higher chance of having spotted flowers or will it be the same as just putting it on one of the flowers that are not spotted (but from the same plant)? I tried to look this up, but I did not find anything on it. I am also curious as to the spotted flowers. I have never seen any Brugmansia with spotted flowers before, I am wondering if this is already a thing or not?
Thank you!
Thumb of 2018-05-08/Luusi/49e0fb
May 9, 2018 5:42 AM CST
Name: Kyle
Middle TN (Zone 7a)
Region: Tennessee Plant and/or Seed Trader Cat Lover Dog Lover Roses Ferns
Hostas Foliage Fan Bromeliad Heucheras Native Plants and Wildflowers Birds
I think the spots are probably an aberration. I don't know much about brugmansias but I do know it won't matter which flowers you pollinate you'll still get the same genetic results.
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  • Started by: Luusi
  • Replies: 1, views: 459
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