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May 11, 2018 10:50 AM CST
Thread OP
Please tell me what the disease is on this Cleveland Select Flowering Pear. Also how to prevent it and get rid of it.
Thumb of 2018-05-11/Mizzles77/a9090d
May 11, 2018 11:02 AM CST
Name: Philip Becker
Fresno California (Zone 8a)
Pic of whole tree, and how wide spread is the damege.
Do leaves get wet.
Anything i say, could be misrepresented, or wrong.
May 11, 2018 11:09 AM CST
Name: Sue
Ontario, Canada (Zone 4b)
Annuals Native Plants and Wildflowers Keeps Horses Dog Lover Daylilies Region: Canadian
Butterflies Birds Enjoys or suffers cold winters Garden Sages Plant Identifier

With that pattern of damage it may not be a disease but an environmental problem. Can you give us some history, such as whether it has been fertilized and with what, have any herbicides been used nearby, has it been short of water at any time etc. That will help with the process of elimination.
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May 11, 2018 11:37 AM CST
Thread OP
sooby said: Welcome!

With that pattern of damage it may not be a disease but an environmental problem. Can you give us some history, such as whether it has been fertilized and with what, have any herbicides been used nearby, has it been short of water at any time etc. That will help with the process of elimination.

Thumb of 2018-05-11/Mizzles77/f56f9e
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Avatar for Mizzles77
May 11, 2018 11:39 AM CST
Thread OP
Mizzles77 said:

Thumb of 2018-05-11/Mizzles77/f56f9e
Thumb of 2018-05-11/Mizzles77/d23c78
Thumb of 2018-05-11/Mizzles77/ee3dd6

It is not very old and does not get over or under watered. It is watered at the base not the whole tree. No fertilizer has been used yet. Also no lawn chemicals sprayed close
May 11, 2018 12:27 PM CST
Name: Sue
Ontario, Canada (Zone 4b)
Annuals Native Plants and Wildflowers Keeps Horses Dog Lover Daylilies Region: Canadian
Butterflies Birds Enjoys or suffers cold winters Garden Sages Plant Identifier
So it's newly planted, how much water is it getting? How close have lawn chemicals been applied? Is the root flare (where it gets wider at the base) above the level of the soil surface but covered by the mulch?
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