I pull poison ivy... Nothing to it.
It's not near the big deal that some people try to make it...
Here's a patch I took out with a mattock.
I've had poison ivy, any number of times, the best solution is soap and water immediately after handling, to prevent dermatitis.
If don't wash quick enough, just don't scratch, to avoid making worse.
1 more thing....
I can just hear people thinking that if I had a severe enough case of poison ivy....
I assure you, I've had it pretty bad.
When I was a kid, I cut a path through raspberry canes and poison ivy and who knows what else.... I was using a hand scythe or something... And it was a pretty long path... Like a half mile or something...
Anyway, where all those raspberry canes scratched me... got all infected with poison ivy oil... Eventually, enough scratching with dirty fingernails... All those open sores turned into staph infections.
This was before MRSA, but... I shoulda learned a thing or two about proper hygiene from that experience...
But I didn't.
One year.... I had fairly severe poison ivy three times.... I had poison ivy more months of that year than not....
Eventually.... I did learn to bathe after exposure...
So.... If you are handling poison ivy.... Probably best to avoid contact with the sap from the vine.... Especially if you have any recent scratches!