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May 17, 2018 1:05 PM CST
Thread OP
New York
I have flowers in pots on the side of the house. For the past few weeks, I have come home to see that an entire flower or two is missing, root and all. There is a little dirt from pot on the concrete below, but not much else that could give me an idea what occurred. I thought it might be a squirrel, as I see them regularly, but I thought they just hide things like peanuts, not take of with the whole flower. I tried putting coffee in top soil but I came home today and another was taken. I added a pic as an example. Usually there is a gaping hole where flower once stood. I may have started moving dirt around to see if anything was left behind. I only found earthworm eggs. I just have no idea. Baffled.
Thumb of 2018-05-17/LoganEll/ef5104
May 17, 2018 1:07 PM CST
Name: Karen
New Mexico (Zone 8a)
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We have squirrels and ground squirrels dig up our plants regularly. Sometimes they're gone entirely, and other times they're just sitting there out of the pot. Pack rats can do it too.
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May 17, 2018 1:13 PM CST
Name: Elena
NYC (Zone 7a)
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It's squirrels! This time of year they particularly delight in eating flower buds on some plants. Mine love some Dianthus, especially carnations. They also love my Lilium regale flower buds. I guess there really isn't that much for them to eat right now. I often find an entire stalk missing or broken and bits of the flower buds nearby.

I have to spray my containers/raised beds/plants with Repels All or Critter Ridder. Stuff smells terrible and most animals won't go near stuff sprayed with it. BUT, the squirrels seem to be really hungry so you'll have to spray EVERY day, especially after any rain.

I'm determined to see my Dianthus bloom this year! I keep spraying and maybe if it stops raining and the sun comes out I'll see a flower soon! I've completely given up on carnations because the slugs like them too.

Skunks dig stuff up looking for worms and grubs but they'll leave the plants uprooted nearby. Don't know about any other wild critters.
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  • Started by: LoganEll
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