Hello all,
You can call me Verac. I am a new home owner and I've always been a big lover or all thing flora and fauna.
I am brand new to gardening and I find myself taking inventory of my house's flower beds and deciding what to do with them.
The house is 50ish years old and it looks like the flower beds haven't seen too much love in the past few years.
So, I am looking for a community to help me figure out how to properly handle these beds as I begin the process of transforming them and learning about gardening and plants.
I am focusing on one bed to begin with. This bed didn't look to bad when we bought the place but spring has seen it explode with vines and what I assume are weeds. The bed is in a corner of the yard where most of it does not get a whole lot of sunlight and remains shaded for the majority of the day.
The only thing I have done with it so far is to pull a humongous amount of poison ivy out of the bed. I'm now in the process of spraying the leaves whenever they pop up with a woody plant specific poison I bought at Lowes. (seems to be working, I will keep at it until they no longer pop up)
I think my best bet is to completely redo the bed. To that end, I want to first identify what I have in there and, if possible, pull the things I want to save out into pots and then replant them once the bed has been reset.
I've included some pictures of some of the plants in the bed.
I know that I have a large (I assume it's large) peony (bloomed this spring with very large white flowers).
I think I have sweet alyssum in one of those pictures
One of the pictures shows some kind grass (I think it will flower? A Lilly or something?) and there is quite a bit of that in the bed
Other than that, I've included a couple pictures of vines and plants that I assume are weeds. I see berries forming and there is a bunch of Virginia creeper (and some remaining poison ivy)
If I could get some help identifying what I have pictures of and help recommending the best way (or if it is possible or worth it to) move the plants to pots, that would be a big help!
A view of a particularly weedy portion of the bed

A weed of some kind I think, I did a quick search and is it crab apple?

A distinctive vine that is now creeping over the bed

Looks like I have berries growing

Had pretty white, small flowers early spring. I think it's Sweet Alyssum?

Lots of these, Lily or some kind of decorative grass?

My Large Peony