sallyg said:At least, the Arborvitae (probably) that they were eating is about the only thing I have seen them consume. Get that removed, plant something else in fall.
They have a very high host plant range, I've found them on these palnts:
1. Abies concolor- Concolor fir
2. Cedrus atlantica- Blue atlas cedar
3. Cercis canadensis-Eastern redbud
4. Chamaecyparis pisifera-False cypress
5. Diospyros-Persimmon
6. Gleditsia triacanthos-Honey locust
7. Hypericum-St. John's wort
8. Juniperus virginiana-Eastern red cedar
9. Liquidambar styraciflua-American sweetgum and Juniperus virginiana- Eastern red cedar
10. Malus 'Sutyzam' Sugar Tyme-Sugar Tyme crabapple
11. Malus-flowering crabapple (variety unknown)
12. Picea omorika 'Pendula Bruns' –Serbian spruce
13. Picea pungens –Blue spruce
14. Picea sp.-spruce
15. Pinus strobus –Eastern white pine
16. Pyracantha-Firethorn
17. Quercus bicolor - swamp white oak
18. Quercus macrocarpa- bur oak
19. Ribes aureum-golden currant
20. Robinia pseudoacacia- black locust
21. Rosa-Rose (domestic-cultivar unknown)
22. Taxodium distichum- Bald cypress
23. Tamarix-salt cedar
24. Thuja-Arborvitae