Altheabyanothername said:With the link below you can go to the daylily data base.
Under hybridizer type in Simon.
There are 67 daylilies. Unfortunately most do not have pictures. Here are some clues to use. A lot of them have peoples names. Maybe those people were given those daylilies and they have pictures. If you have a yellow daylily besides putting in Simon then go to color description and type yellow.
****i did all that and I have the names and have searches the databases and various databases and I'm getting different "stories" or rather different names.
I actually have a database with them now.
I have names of some of them and I'm getting pictures of them as the bloom. But for example I have 2 blooming now (I'm in pa) and the tag said "tipper" but this looks nothing like the description.
(See picture below)
And very what ever region Simon did his (HER)hybridizing work, (Layfette Louisiana) I bet She belonged to AHS...American Hemerocallis Society. She did /and does and has many awards on her flowers. The one you had a picture of -Rosellen Simon - that was my aunt that just died.
So here's some cool trivia - Mrs Simon hybridized daylilies to the traits of people she knew. Suzanne Simon is petite, Clarence Simon is a strong tall lily. Anyways thanks for the help. I will upload pics as they come in.
Calif_Sue said:You size and growth question was answered by needrain and you already replied to that. Your post today is a duplicate of the one posted yesterday.
(FYI, I didn't see any question from anyone about how many bulbs since daylilies are not bulbs anyway.)
ShakespearesGarden said:@lkas0127 By "bulbs" I think you mean fans or divisions- that's how daylilies multiply as clones. By "bubs" we are referring to unopened blooms.
Sometimes bud count can give you clues as to the variety. Keep posting as many stats as you can. There are some very wise daylily folks on here and most of us like a challenge.
Thank you so much for the welcome !
And to the forum
sooby said:There may be some more info in the archives of the American Hemerocallis (Daylily) Society.
I guess I need to be a member? I was thinking about joining now that I'm so into the daylilies. I've always been this way but now that I have all these it's all I can think about is finding their names and history ! (Don't mind my excitement)
Decades of their Daylily Journal are readable online for members. For example 'Clarence Simon' hybridized by MacMillan won the Stout Silver Medal in 1975 so there probably is an article associated with that.
She was so proud of that award!!
It used to be easy to look stuff up on the members' portal but for some reason lately it doesn't do complete searches any more, but members can ask the Archivist for historical information.