I am unfortunately late in seeing this question so I hope you did decide to plant your Geranium wlassovianum. This is one of the subtly beautiful "sleeper" perennials that you will probably grow to love. The foliage is always pristine and attractive and adds a wonderful textural element to any planting. The fall color is amazing. Blooms are simple and wildflowery but very pretty. Once fully established, it can start blooming in June and continue through August. It may take several years to reach that point, however. Aside from that, it is extremely easy to grow and undemanding.
I have never started it from seed (yet), but the clumps are very easy to divide and transplant. I love hardy geraniums in general, and this is one of the most useful and distinct species for general garden use. It is a shame it does not hybridize easily, since I am sure the offspring would be durable and amazing.