Name: Anthony Weeding Rosetta,Tasmania,Australia (Zone 7b) idont havemuch-but ihave everything
No, but Daffodils i have,.,.I purchased a 'hot pink' selection and bloomed a 'Parissienne' daffodil[its valued at about $10 a bulb].,.,it won me a novice ribbon in 2009.,,.
Rita, I see those Oak leaves are still holding up pretty good in your mulch--I use those effectively also as a winter mulch. I sprinkle them heavily into the pine boughs I cut and put in there. I like you mulch mix in this Tridex picture,
I prefer to use shredded oak leaves as mulch as they are more substantive than most leaves and last longer as a mulch. Unfortunately, my source has recently become less available. Despite what some people say, I have used them extensively for mulching everything from vegetables to trees and shrubs to flowers, including lilies, with no detriment for 20 years.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers. - Socrates
Oh, they win hands down. I have four different Oaks here and save all the leaves I can except not so much from the Burr Oak--which don't seem to hold up quite as well. We pile them all up on an 18 X 24 tarp and we fold it up like big canoe and slide them down to my holding area. I get about three loads. Might not think so, but leaves are pretty heavy in that quantity. Two people have all they can do just sliding it along-- but the procedure works very well.
I find that the Fall Leaves I collect have lots of oak because there are many, many oak around my neighborhood. Honestly, I use whatever kind of leaves I can find. Around here, you bag your leaves and put them out by the curb once a week for pickup. I just go collect bags, fill my van and repeat until I have enough. This past fall, I went very heavy on the fall mulch so there is lots of thick mulch left.
No, they don't need protection. I pile on the leaves as mulch. If I have no leaves, I use straw. But leaves are free in the Fall. I can go collect the bags and spread them around. Put it on thickly enough and it lasts until the following Fall. I could never manage the weeds that there would be here if I didn't mulch like I do. Plus it beaks down and is very good for the soil.
Name: Evan Pioneer Valley south, MA, USA (Zone 6a)
In reading your posts re: mulching lilies I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind giving a little tutorial on the subject. For instance is the winter mulch due to marginal hardiness in your zone? To prevent heaving? During the growing season do some lilies benefit from a loose mulch to keep the roots or bulb cool? Is it more important for some species than others? I've inter-planted lilies with both Japanese and Louisiana Iris but have not mulched the lilies. A mistake? Any guidance would be appreciated.
I just mulch ALL my gardenbeds. Everything except bearded iris (they rot in mulch). I do this to supress weeds plus it is good for the soil. So lilies get mulched here like everything else. No, I don't think they need to be mulched for anything like winter protection.