How to I return to my home page?
*On every screen, the "National Gardening Association" logo at the top is a clickable link that takes you back to your home page.
*On the bottom of every screen the words " Homepage" in small print is a clickable link that takes you back to your home page.
*On the last page of every thread click the homepage link on the left side of the bottom of the screen.
How do I start a thread in a forum?
Scroll down to the bottom of the forum's main page and enter a subject for your
thread, then post your message in the message box.
To upload an image to your message click the "Upload an image" button and select the
image from your computer files you wish to upload. To preview your thread entry, click the "Preview" button.
To post the thread, click the "Finished" button. You will automatically be watching this thread, and it will appear on the homepage when another member has responded.
How do I watch a thread?
Your site preferences default to watching any thread you start or reply to. You can
change these settings by going to your "Profile" page and clicking the "Change site
preferences link".
To watch a thread you don't post or reply to or just happen to be checking out, click the "Watch" link at the top left of the thread, or at the end of every thread.
When a "watched thread" has a response, you will be notified on the homepage.
Can I limit (or expand) the number of posts I see on a thread?
Yes, click the person icon in the menu bar up top, then click on "Settings". Look for the "Show how many items per page field" and change the number. Click the Save your changes button.
What's the quickest way to go to the newest post in a thread?
Set your site preference to auto-jump to the newest post in the thread. Go to your settings (see previous answer for instructions for that). Change the answer to 'Yes' for the question "Automatically jump to the first unread post in threads?"
If you do not want to skip to the newest unread post automatically, leave your settings the way they are, and click on the "First Unread" at the top right of each thread. That will take you to your first unread post. Click the "Save your changes" button.
How do I search on
*Site-wide searches - Use the search box on the right hand side of the screen of the homepage. This will search all forums, articles, blogs, and the database.
*Forum specific search - Use the search box in the forum.
*Mail- the search box in your mail area only searches your mail.
How can I find another member on this site?
Click on the "Memberlist" link at the bottom right hand side of any screen.
On the "Memberlist" screen you can search for another member by their user name or location.