Alcohol Kills Mealy Bugs

By Boopaints
April 17, 2012

If you find mealy bugs on the coleus or other plants, dab them with a q-tip dipped in alcohol. They die instantly. I keep a bottle of alcohol and q-tips near the coleus plants so I don’t need to run indoors for some.

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Apr 17, 2012 3:15 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carole
Clarksville, TN (Zone 6b)
Charter ATP Member Garden Sages Plant Identifier I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! I helped plan and beta test the plant database. Avid Green Pages Reviewer
I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar Garden Ideas: Master Level Cat Lover Birds Region: Tennessee Echinacea
... and very economical. Great to kill scale as well.
I garden for the pollinators.
Apr 17, 2012 9:43 AM CST
Name: Becky (Boo)
Phoenix, AZ 85022
finding joy one day at a time!
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Region: Southwest Gardening Enjoys or suffers hot summers Region: United States of America Birds Hummingbirder Container Gardener
I can't figure out why (in Arizona anyway) aphids want to gobble up my coleus. Is it because it's dry? I have a lot of coleus in containers in doors and they are never bothered. But outside, well, lets say I fight the aphid war every day with my q-tip!
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Apr 17, 2012 3:05 PM CST
Name: bree
North coast NSW Australia
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yep! i use metholated spirits with water and cotton balls and q tips on my orchids getting rid of scale.
May 18, 2016 7:33 PM CST
Name: Karen
New Mexico (Zone 8a)
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This works great! Boo, my indoor ones are fine, and the outdoor and Greenhouse plants have aphids, mealy bugs, and every other insect known to man. What I hate is when the mealy bugs get into my cactus or my Portulacaria afra. It's nearly impossible to touch each one with alcohol.
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May 31, 2016 11:08 AM CST
Name: Becky (Boo)
Phoenix, AZ 85022
finding joy one day at a time!
Charter ATP Member Forum moderator I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Garden Art Purslane Garden Ideas: Master Level
Region: Southwest Gardening Enjoys or suffers hot summers Region: United States of America Birds Hummingbirder Container Gardener
I have mealy bugs and the way they can destroy things. Glad alcohol helps on some of our plants.
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MY CUBITS ~ Trust in the Lord ~
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